That second post is all good info IMO.
While it's true that revolvers can and do malfunction,they are significantly more reliable than micro-autos IME. I have owned several little autos and every one had issues with some ammo types and in general all of them had multiple failures. I know it happens, but I have never, not once had a failure with my revolvers.
I have found it much easier to get a good grip and draw from a pocket using a j-frame vs a micro-auto. While the little autos flat profile makes them very carry-able, they also make it tougher to get a good grip. It's been my experience that a j-frame carries just as easily as a mouse gun. If the right ammo is chosen .38+p is a better performing round than .380.
IMO, a pocket gun should be able to be fired, and re-fired from within a pocket. A little micro-auto won't do that. A pocket gun should always be carried in a pocket holster for several reasons, but the longer, heavier trigger on a j-frame makes me more comfortable with pocket carry.
Both work, but I have chosen to go with the revolvers. I also only rarely pocket carry anymore. AIWB with the j-frame is just as easy IMO.
The internal hammer or shrouded hammer models are better for pocket carry. S&W 442, 642, 438, 638, 340, 649. I suppose their new "bodyguard" is one too. I am not a Ruger LCR fan.