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Posted: 4/21/2007 6:49:31 PM EDT
My first question is where can I find complete disasembly of a 1911 and what is a good shop manual or book on 1911s to look for?The second is I  got my SA Mil-spec a few months ago and I am getting ready to order some upgrade parts for it .What should I upgrade first.I have about 60$ this week to get started.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 7:38:16 PM EDT
try looking here 1st:

why are you upgrading-is your SA broke or do you not like a particular part? if so, then replace it w/ something you would like

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 10:20:52 PM EDT
No nothing wrong with it I bought the mil spec to learn how to build or at least upgrade myself.I want to add a beavertail saftey,flat mainspring and magwell,trigger,hammer.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 4:41:53 PM EDT
I laso am wanting to add a magwell.I saw one from Smith and Alexander for like 58$ on brownelles with the built in main spring housing.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 8:19:23 AM EDT
Trust me, less is more when it comes to 1911's.  You can go buck wild upgrading a 1911 and spend tons of cash.  It is very easy to get carried away.  I know I sure did when I started.  You name the upgrade, I've done it to a 1911.  Its as if everyone automatically thinks a new 1911 must be upgraded.  

If I could do it over, I'd get a bone stock Mil Spec and shoot it for at least 500-1000 rounds.  Train with it a litte, practice drawing from the holster, shooting on the move, clearance drills, etc.  Get a good feel for a bone stock 1911.  Take note of what you like and don't like, what bites you, cuts you, etc.  

Then, if you still want to upgrade, I'd look at new sights, beavertail, and some sort of a reliability workover if it needs it.  
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