I've owned many S&W autos and never had a jam or failure of any kind. They also were more accurate than most guns. Really there's not much to dislike. I think alot of people didn't like the goofy safety on the slide deal when they first came out because everyone else was used to the BHP and GM, so like all new products people had to find something to hate about it and the safety was good enough to hate. I still hate it myself
, but it's the same on the Beretta and many others people have finally gotten used to.
First of all, get the thrid generation guns. Their earlier guns are good too, but I think the 3rd gens feel better in your hand, and have better features. You can tell it's thrid generation by the numbers. The model number on first generation is two digit (e.g. 39, 59), the second gen is two digit (e.g. 459, 669), the thrid gen is four digit (e.g. 5906, 1076). Some of the most recent autos though went back to three digit, so know what you're looking at. If you can't tell, just ask here.
For your stated uses, unless you want brand new, consider a used gun. S&Ws don't hold their value as well as other guns because the police trade-in market has taken a bite out of what you can sell a used Smith and Wesson for. So if you buy a used one, while you get a good gun, it's value drops as fast as an automobile's. As soon as you take it home it's worth ALOT less.
I would get a police trade-in 5906. They are dirt-cheap. They are usually in nice shape as well. Hi-cap mags are inexpensive and everywhere. The gun is all stainless steel, so it will last forever in 9mm. It's a tad heavier than an alloy frame gun, but since you aren't going to carry it, that makes it easier to shoot. 9mm is cheap and easy to shoot. If you don't like 9mm, the other calibers are available as well(.40,.45,10mm).
Take a good look around as well. There are four used S&W autos at the local gunshop right now that are all $350 or under and any of them are worth buying and would last forever.
S&W has made alot of autos. All of them pretty much work the same, the only difference is things lice calbier, size, mag capacity, etc. So just look for one that you like. When all else fails, ask a question here.