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Posted: 8/1/2007 5:11:59 PM EDT
I am currently the owner of a new Glock G19 and I verified that it fires with no malfunctions after 500 rounds.

Now comes the time to pick a defensive load for the gun.

I usually carry a gun in 45acp using win ranger sxt or black talon(you can buy this if it is leo trade outs. Bought my last boxes 1.5 years ago for 11bucks a box).

But now I need to find a load for 9mm. The gun shoots win ranger and hornaday TAP no malfunctions.

Reccomend a non +P load for this gun.

I'll proubly carry the TAP but would like to find options. Ya know the better mouse trap syndrome thing.
Link Posted: 8/1/2007 6:01:36 PM EDT
why not stick with Rangers?

147 gr

Link Posted: 8/1/2007 6:07:27 PM EDT

why not stick with Rangers?

147 gr


shot well out of the g19 and 17 i wore at work
Link Posted: 8/1/2007 6:17:39 PM EDT
I sale Ranger and Federal Tactical ammo. All of my 9mm are loaded with RA9T.
Link Posted: 8/1/2007 7:15:08 PM EDT
Winchester Ranger Ts, Speer Gold Dots, DPX, and Federal HSTs
Link Posted: 8/1/2007 7:50:24 PM EDT
The ammo forum has a good resource:

Best Choices for Self-Defense Ammunition


Barnes XPB 115gr HP (35515) loaded by:
Cor-Bon (DPX09115)

Winchester Partition Gold 124gr JHP (RA91P)
Winchester Ranger-T 124 gr +P JHP (RA9124TP)
Winchester Ranger-T 127gr JHP +P+ (RA9TA)
Winchester Ranger-T 147gr JHP (RA9T)

Speer Gold Dot 124gr JHP +P (53617)
Speer Gold Dot 147gr JHP (53619)

Remington Golden Saber 147gr JHP (GS9MMC)

Federal Tactical 124gr JHP (LE9T1)
Federal Tactical 135gr JHP +P (LE9T5)
Federal HST 147gr JHP (P9HST2)
Link Posted: 8/2/2007 7:30:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/2/2007 7:50:27 AM EDT
Federal HST 147gr JHP
Link Posted: 8/2/2007 7:55:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/2/2007 11:55:45 AM EDT


Federal HST 147gr JHP

That's what I carry, FWIW...

Is the HST law enforcement only? Would I have to buy it online if I wanted to pick some up?
Link Posted: 8/2/2007 8:29:18 PM EDT
I'm a fan of the Ranger 127 gr +P+.  1250 fps.  It's a 100 fps away from a 357 sig.
Link Posted: 8/2/2007 8:40:51 PM EDT
I carry 147gr Rangers in my MP9, Glock 19, Glock 26, Glock 34, Smith 908, etc. Ken Hackathorn likes the 127gr +P+ Rangers
Link Posted: 8/6/2007 7:13:35 PM EDT

I'm a fan of the Ranger 127 gr +P+.  1250 fps.  It's a 100 fps away from a 357 sig.

I am too. But is there a 115 +P+ round out there thats just as good?  I still have COR BON 147 +P ammo..no longer made.
Link Posted: 8/6/2007 7:24:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2007 7:29:11 PM EDT
Anybody got a good online source for the 147 grn. Ranger T (RA9T) ammo?

Can't find it locally.

Link Posted: 8/6/2007 7:39:29 PM EDT
mahsupplies.net has Ranger and Federal Tactical ammo.
Link Posted: 8/6/2007 7:46:30 PM EDT

Ammunition to go has both HST and Ranger
Link Posted: 8/7/2007 9:08:26 PM EDT

I'm a fan of the Ranger 127 gr +P+.  1250 fps.  It's a 100 fps away from a 357 sig.

I have chronographed RA9TA at 1300 FPS from my G17 @ a 59degreeF outside temp!  
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 7:10:04 PM EDT
Speer Gold Dot 124gr - G19
Speer Gold Dot 115gr - G26
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 2:27:31 PM EDT
Winchester ranger 127gr +p+ is what i carry in my Glock 17's and 19's
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 6:05:37 PM EDT
Jerry Kirkpatrick down in good ol' hazy, hot & humid Florida is a great guy to deal with for GLOCK OEM parts and Winchester Ranger ammo. Great prices & service. His email is: [email protected] .

I'd send him an email--he was the only guy who didn't jack up his prices on ammo when all the BS with ammo prices--he was selling his current stock at his standard price until the new orders came in. So I got more Win 127gr +P+ and 147gr.

Link Posted: 8/12/2007 8:07:47 AM EDT
Just curious, but does no one use the TAP FPD.  I bought a box to try and just haven't tried it yet.  I see nobody is using it.
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 2:01:57 PM EDT

Just curious, but does no one use the TAP FPD.  I bought a box to try and just haven't tried it yet.  I see nobody is using it.

My cousins own a cattle ranch and if they need a cow put down due to illness then they call me. Adverages about 1 a year due to the cow eatting what it should not.

This affords me the oppretunity to test ammo. I have tested in the past nosler 44 mag(when they first came out), 45acp sxt-golddot and saber ammo, and 223.

So far the only ammo that did not drop a 1200 lb cow with a shot to the head has been the nosler 44mag. In this case I gave the recovered rounds(all had fallen apart(shreaded) when first entering the skull) to a rep. They gave me a new box of ammo a couple of months latter. They then worked as they were suppose to when I had to put down another cow.

lord forbid but on the next one I'll try the 9mm TAP round just to see performance.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:37:16 AM EDT

Just curious, but does no one use the TAP FPD.  I bought a box to try and just haven't tried it yet.  I see nobody is using it.

In normal handgun calibers, their expanded diameter and penetration is less impressive than Gold Dot, Ranger, Tactical Bonded, and HST. This is especially true for anything less than 147 gr in 9mm, 180 gr in .40, and 230 gr in .45.

I would place them above Corbons and below Golden Sabres.
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