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Posted: 10/29/2006 10:31:28 PM EDT
I just traded for a LNIB 92fs on the EE. i didnt notice any ware on anything. how long does it take to start to wear on the barrel(like the police trade-ins that i see at the dealers)?? i was gonna get a threaded barrel for it too(jarvis). I wanted to put a suppressor on it. any advice??

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 4:51:57 PM EDT
W-E-A-R is what you mean, I think.

It will normally take a couple hundred rounds to mark the blueing off of the barrel & slide, IMO. Heat does some tarnishing as well. I wouldn't sweat it too much if it doesn't have wear marks, it just means it wasn't shot much.

My .o2
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 1:40:56 PM EDT
LOL thanks, it must have been early in the morn for that. Is there anything to do to stop it??   thanks
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 4:47:06 PM EDT


Is there anything to do to stop it??  

Yes. Wrap it (unloaded) in an oily rag & locked away in your safe. Aside from that, every single 92 model will show wear on its blueing as it's used. S/S will probably not look as contrasting with holster/shooting wear, IMO. However, *I* really don't care too much for S/S guns/finish looking............

Guns are like shoes: they're gonna show wear when they're used.
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