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Posted: 4/17/2007 12:17:30 AM EDT
I'll be picking up a 229 Elite two tone next month and I'm considering getting the action enhancement package before it leaves the factory.  They say they hone and polish critical surfaces and lighten and smooth the DA and SA trigger actions.  Has anybody had this done?  Is it worth the extra $150.00?
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 1:08:21 PM EDT
I have a 226 with the AEP on it.  I love it, you can definitely tell a difference in the da pull.  It crispens the sa but doesn't lighten it any.  I'm a fan and I think it was worth the cash.
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 7:22:33 PM EDT
Thanks pointfiveoh.  I'm gonna do it!
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 10:45:20 AM EDT
I have a regular P229 in 40sw I bought in 95 !

Man my P229  is so accurate!  I compare mine to my COMBAT ELITE Colt 1911

I love the D/A SIG trigger as is!

I bet sig would do on Hell of a job

since its smooth to begin with

Good luck
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