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Posted: 5/2/2004 2:35:50 PM EDT
well my new sig 220 stainless is on its way to me, new costing me 630$ (not includeing taxes)
i need a tactical light prefferably one that is attached to the pistol, im looking @ the surfire's  right now, how much should i expect to pay for something like this?
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 2:48:24 PM EDT
also, a question about ammo....
there is .45 APC and .45 auto...
what is the difference?
do i need to get .45 auto for my 220 st?
or can i get the stuff from ammoman.com thats .45 APC, the " 45 ACP 230 GRAIN MANUFACTURED BY FIOCCHI NEW PRODUCTION, COMMERCIAL
what do you guys think about me buying that, shooting it and reloading the spent caseings.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 3:04:53 PM EDT
45ACP is 45 auto...ammoman has good prices on his stuff.

Which Surefire light are you looking at?  The new X200 is going to run you in the $200-$250 range.  I like the Insight M series lights.  I have a M6 on my Sig P220.  You can pick up the M3 ($115) or M3X ($160) and it will serve you well.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 3:05:08 PM EDT
i have found the surefire X200 for 185$....
i like what i am seeng so far with that
also, will the LED be as bright as Xenon bulbs?
is the X200 anny different than the X 200 A?
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 8:58:13 PM EDT
what about the surefire SureFire G2Z Nitrolon (G2Z-BK) Tactical Light ?

its only 80$ and 90$ shiped....
and brighter... idk if its attachable to a pistol, it looks ot be hand heald...
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 2:52:00 PM EDT
I've got a streamlight M3 on my 226.  It has the green LED feature as well.  I got mine wholesale, but I think they retail for $130 or so.  It is easy to use, and not to bulky.
Link Posted: 5/3/2004 8:31:13 PM EDT
I have found the X200 for 199.99 and 8$ shipping, so if no one here has annything bad to say about it...
i will order it along wiht a  SF-G2 SureFire G2 Nitrolon - 6 Volt for 29.99
annyone think im makeing a mistake buying either of these 2 lights?
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