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Posted: 10/19/2008 5:47:54 PM EDT
I've been looking for the whole story.  Does anyone have a link to it, or have it saved somewhere so I can show it to some friends?

Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:48:30 PM EDT
This is a great read!
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:49:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:51:09 PM EDT
one of the truly epic threads of arfcom.  it's both a classic AND epic.

Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:51:30 PM EDT
I did an archive search but to no avail.  It was a good thread indeed!
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:52:23 PM EDT
So good that it should be added to the reading list and discussed in the book forum.
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:52:36 PM EDT

Didn't that event happen long before you joined?

yes, it did.
but I read it in it's entirety not long after I joined.
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 5:56:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:00:33 PM EDT
I still laugh my arse off about that one!
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:02:40 PM EDT



Didn't that event happen long before you joined?

yes, it did.
but I read it in it's entirety not long after I joined.

I don't even remember the title.  If someone can post it (title), I'll dig up the archived thread.

Was it even during the 'new' ar15.com?

Think it was 'Treetop's flaming backpack' or something like that

ETA- Or maybe 'My day at the airport'?
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:05:15 PM EDT



Didn't that event happen long before you joined?

yes, it did.
but I read it in it's entirety not long after I joined.

I don't even remember the title.  If someone can post it (title), I'll dig up the archived thread.

cool, thanks.
I didn't even see the original thread.  Maybe a year ago, there was some thread where all of the old farts (no offense ) were referring to the story, and the noobs were asking about it, so someone quoted the story in the thread.
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:10:52 PM EDT
I remember that thread and sometimes refer to it with a bunch of "huh?" replies...lol
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:14:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:15:47 PM EDT
I remember that.  

Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:28:16 PM EDT
wasn't that back when the site was hosted on a Ti-99/4a with 150b modem?
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:32:47 PM EDT
My dad flew a B-17;  he took some fire on his plane back in '44.
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 6:39:08 PM EDT



Didn't that event happen long before you joined?

yes, it did.
but I read it in it's entirety not long after I joined.

I don't even remember the title.  If someone can post it (title), I'll dig up the archived thread.

Yep, you are correct!
I read that post when Treetop first put it up - June 2001 as I remember.

Edit to add an "I got it you don't" smiley...."
Link Posted: 10/19/2008 7:08:02 PM EDT

Edit to add an "I got it you don't" smiley...."

gotta love google.

thanks for the help guys
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