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Posted: 8/15/2007 9:34:57 AM EDT
Who has the best and cheapest plans for wireless internet. May be needing a wireless laptop so i can access internet an emails on the go.

my cell phone is thru verizon and it is about $65 a month for access.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 9:39:04 AM EDT
I use cingular .,.,

when i need the wireless   i change my sim into the 3g card..  

19.99 unlimited internet add on to your voice plan .  


user name : [email protected]
password : cingular1
APN :        wap.cingular

I use the serrera wirless 860 datacard.. get around 1.2 mb down and 300 up.  

cingular wil say you need the 59.99 plan..   ive been using the above setting since the first day they went GSM ..  < was working for them >  

edit :

or if you dont wanna use a seperate data card.. you can tether your phone and use it as a modem ..   i use the 8525 and the v3XX right now.. both are 3g .

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 9:42:29 AM EDT
I use Alltel I think the card is around $60 per month
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:03:03 AM EDT
I am with Verizon $17.99 a month.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:10:02 AM EDT
Alltel here.

I did NOt get the smart card.  It's a  rip off.  $100+ PLUS an additional 2 year contract on the card.  

If you have a smart phone (Razar, Motorola E815, etc) you can get the data cable and their software.  For $25 a month you get unlimited broadband with no additional time on your contract.  If you cancel it, no extra charges.

Last month I think I downloaded somewhere around 2.5 gigs.  

Speeds are very good but vary from 400k to 1.5mbps.

I'm in the ghetto now on one of my jobs in Tampa.  
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:13:03 AM EDT
As you can see it varies quite a bit.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:19:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:32:56 AM EDT
I've been thinking about getting a card for my laptop too, leaning towards sprint at the moment its like $50 or $60 a month with unlimited usage, couple options for cards anywhere from free after rebate to $250... I know two people in the area with it and the service seems pretty good.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 8:30:33 PM EDT

Alltel here.

I did NOt get the smart card.  It's a  rip off.  $100+ PLUS an additional 2 year contract on the card.  

If you have a smart phone (Razar, Motorola E815, etc) you can get the data cable and their software.  For $25 a month you get unlimited broadband with no additional time on your contract.  If you cancel it, no extra charges.

Last month I think I downloaded somewhere around 2.5 gigs.  

Speeds are very good but vary from 400k to 1.5mbps.

I'm in the ghetto now on one of my jobs in Tampa.  

I have a razr maybe verizon has something like that. Instead of going wireless.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 4:21:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 12:57:48 PM EDT
I'm not using a Razar, I'm using an E-815.

It's alltel "Internet Axcess" software that comes with the USB cable for the phone.

Regardless It's worth every penny.   The night I got it, I was on a 25 hour shift babysitting some contractors.   I was glad I did get it because it was a very long night with many breakdowns and downtime inbetween work.  

$25/ month plus the initial $75? +/- cost for the cable and software was worth it.

Link Posted: 8/17/2007 1:27:23 PM EDT
Our laptop came with a wireless card. Most places we can get a signal from hotels, rest areas, coffee shops, convention centers, city hall, public library and several other public access ports.

Some citys are setting up the entitre city with free wireless and many others have set up their entire down town/main street locations with free wifi.
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