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Posted: 4/17/2017 7:24:41 AM EDT
gave myself a 4 day weekend here and decided to go "camping" in my backyard..didn't want to give the whole weekend up for it by traveling somewhere as there were too many other things I needed to do around the house as well, and frankly anymore I find camping in the PA area to be anticlimactic since it's really hard to truly "get away" out here, so said wtf,..I'll setup camp in my backyard.

Friday night slept great, almost 8 hours entirely without waking up once, (usually I am up 2-3 times during the night when I'm in the house for whatever reason), Sunday night was the same.  Saturday night was just too noisy as I heard all the vehicle noise from the busier roadways that are a mile or so off in the distance.

the dog doesn't quite understand why we are sleeping outside though when she knows her human has a nice comfy bed inside the house she can sleep in...

Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:35:09 AM EDT
Nice 1000 yard stare on the dog....

Dog is like...sure you sleep well.....but I know whats outside the tent watching you....every night!
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:41:31 AM EDT
I sleep good outside after hiking 8-10 miles.  Otherwise I wake up every hour.  My Big Agness pad cuts that to about every 2 hours.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:46:19 AM EDT
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I sleep good outside after hiking 8-10 miles.  Otherwise I wake up every hour.  My Big Agness pad cuts that to about every 2 hours.
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Hiking puts me out pretty good as well, but overall I just sleep better outside. Don't know if its the air or what...

Sadly, I'm really not sure I could do that kind of a hike these days and be happy with it...arthritis in the hip sees to that.  While it doesn't leave me debilitated, it's bothersome enough that it leaves me fairly cranky.  Still, I plan on trying a short trip backpacking trip on some upcoming weekend.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:17:30 AM EDT
I sleep harder, but less, and usually wake up stuffy.

Tinnitus sucks in the quiet woods, I'll lay there for hours, and tend to naturally wake up before sunrise.

I'm usually exhausted after 3 days of sleeping outside.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:19:27 AM EDT
I've never slept well while camping.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:31:05 AM EDT
Sometimes, depending on the weather and my ground pad but some of my best sleep was when I owned my last VW camper.  For some reason that thing just felt good to sleep in; all nice and cozy, even when it got really cold at night I'd bundled up then in the morning stick my arm out, cut the Mr. Buddy heater on and wait a few minutes for the interior to warm up so I could brew up some tea or coffee.  I generally sleep well in the back of my truck but not like I did in the VW.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:56:20 AM EDT
I absolutely sleep better when outside/camping.

The last few years of working nights, that was the only time I slept well.

In fact, the highlight of trips towing the boat 5.5 hrs and navigating 25 miles into the Everglades National Park was 8-9 hours of sleep.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:19:03 AM EDT
Some of my best nights of sleep ever have been under a tarp, in the rain, on pine boughs. Drives my hunting buddy crazy since he wants to get up at the butt-crack of dawn and I am snoozing away. Mind you I am up around 5 every morning at home.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:20:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:27:46 AM EDT
I sleep on the ground, between that and hearing stuff I wake up at least once an hour sometimes it seems like every 30 minutes but regardless I always wake up feeling more refreshed than I do when I sleep in a bed.

In a bed I don't wake up until I get up for the day though and am not quite as stiff as sleeping on the ground.

Given the choice, unless I'm backpacking I'm choosing my bed.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:32:16 AM EDT
I have a sleeping deck that calls to me on a regular basis as the nights in NM are amazing.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:37:04 AM EDT
I sleep pretty good outside.

I was on a hike one day and lay down around noon in a shady grassy area next to a creek. Closed my eyes. Woke up and it was dark, could NOT remember where I was, and it felt like I had died and my motor control was coming back slowly.

That must be where these Rip Van Winkle myths come from. It is truly unforgettable.

Then I stayed up all night.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:38:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:48:21 AM EDT
I can sleep well pretty much anywhere but my favorite is on a boat.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 12:59:33 PM EDT
I don't sleep well in a tent.  Too many noises.  

One night camping, after I finally fell asleep,  I woke up to raccoons growling and fighting outside my tent.  It took me an hour to go back to sleep after that.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 1:20:25 PM EDT
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I don't sleep well in a tent.  Too many noises.  

One night camping, after I finally fell asleep,  I woke up to raccoons growling and fighting outside my tent.  It took me an hour to go back to sleep after that.
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We hiked into a large pond in the middle of the Adirondacks one time, we always try to pick different spots to go on hiking trips.

You couldn't even hear planes in this spot, it was so quiet.

Crack of dawn the next morning there was about 50 Loons out on the water, talk about some ruckus. Those things wouldn't shut up.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 1:22:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:38:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:42:50 PM EDT
Not actually outside but I have a window open pretty much year round.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:43:41 PM EDT
I sleep like shit inside

hammock in a tree outside in the cold air? Like a baby.

put me in the mountains where my cell doesn't work and my boss can't get to me?

even better.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:45:31 PM EDT
That tent looks dark inside.  Why do you consider that "outside"?

Love sleeping outdoors.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:45:42 PM EDT
Yes.  Once I discovered hammock camping.

Best sleep EVER.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:48:06 PM EDT
Absolutely. Even just having the windows open improves the quality of my sleep
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:49:14 PM EDT
I spent years living in wall tents when I was young...or just under a tree with a bedroll. Guiding hunting/fishing back country trips, whitewater rafting, and pulling mules sort of make that a necessity. 

Now I likes my AC, central heat, and king-size bed. 
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:57:48 PM EDT
I keep a tent out year round.
Large 2 person size.
I set it up on hale bails so it doesn't sit on the wet ground.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 2:58:44 PM EDT
Always sleep like a baby outside, as long as I am dry and not being swarmed by mosquitos.

Inside? Not so much. The best sleep I can get inside is under an open window with a nice chilly breeze coming through.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 3:04:39 PM EDT
Lying down outside at night to go to bed?  Nope.

Suddenly getting tired while out hunting and falling asleep on the ground?  Yep.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 3:16:17 PM EDT
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Lying down outside at night to go to bed?  Nope.

Suddenly getting tired while out hunting and falling asleep on the ground?  Yep.
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Fuck yea!

Probably happens to me a dozen times a year.

I honestly believe that is why I have such good luck hunting.

Biggest buck I ever killed was a huge old 10 point with a tine broke off

I fell asleep and heard him walking up behind me trying to figure out what I was.

Awoke to the creepy sound of someone sneaking up behind me.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 3:26:05 PM EDT
I sleep like a baby in my camper. There's just less to worry about out there, plus no TV or internet where I go usually.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 3:54:18 PM EDT
I'm too hyperaware of my surroundings, outdoors its like my mind thinks I'm in a war zone at all times, and Charlie is waiting to slice my throat if I fall into too deep a sleep.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 4:12:25 PM EDT
I slept on top of my kids trampoline (no net) 3 times last year in the fall.  Wore a winter cap on my head.  Slept pretty good.  It all depends if I get enough padding under my sleeping bag.   The right amount of padding = good sleep.
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