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Posted: 8/14/2007 10:27:43 AM EDT
i know its tuesday about 2 o'clock......
but some of us don't have jobs i'm about to go hit up the liquor store anyone have any suggestions on the kind of beer i should get? |
Arrogant Bastard Ale, Guiness, Shiner Bock (for the "lighter" side), and on rare occasions, a local brewery Hefeweizen.
Dinkel Acker
Brewed inacordance to the German purity law of 1516 |
I don't drink much beer (more of a vodka or wine person) but Red Stripe or Heinekken are the two common beers if I'm going to drink. If I'm in a beer mood though I'll drive to beers of the world and get something exotic.
Red Stripe
Moosehead Heineken/Heineken Light Those are my favorites. |
You're in one of those states where you have to get your beer at a liquor store?
If I'm buying it; the more stout, the better. ...But I usually drink Bud lite. That's what's usually in the coolers at parties and get-to-gethers, |
Anything from Natural Light to the best High-gravity beers on the planet.
Commonly available:
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Dos Equis Amber a little harder to find: Dead Guy IPA |
Any light from; Bud, Coors, Miller, or Natty. Blue Moon also.
Round hea' the gas stations only carry 3.2% beer. Liquor stores carry 5%+.... |
German Purity Law
Barley, hops and water for beer, Budweiser boasts about rice, etc.. lol I recommend looking to see what fillers are in your "domestic" beer. Now what i like. Blue moon is ok in a fix. I prefer Delerium Tremens, Noel.. 8.5 % Hennepin 8.5% Gouden Courolus 9% Goose island has a couple of reserve beers Pere Jaque or Matilda each 8% + I didnt start out drinking these fine Belgian beers it was a process. I started off as a hardcore Budweiser drinker Then i moved to Rolling Rock Then i moved To Boulevard Wheat Then I moved to Blue Moon Then Heffeweizen and Dunkel It was a journey. And I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars as I can only imagine. And Now Im into the Belgians.. Cause they is the best.. With German as a close second. |
1. McEwan's "Scotch Ale" (not the Spcial Export)
2. Guinness 3. Paulaner Hefe-Weizen 4. Kulmbacher Reichelbrau Eisbock If I am low on funds: 1. Shiner 2. J.W. Dundee Honey Brown (the wife's favorite) |
+1 I picked up a 6 pack one day just to try it out and it's good stuff. Not too long after that all the local bars started carrying it. |
Lieney Honey or Sam Adams Cherry Wheat (both regional to an extent)
Cold, with a nod given towards free. My favorite beers include:
Arrogant Bastard Spotted Cow Yuengling Snowshoe Grizzly Harviestoun Old Engine Oil (this is really good shit) That said, here's what you're likely to find in my fridge at any given moment: Mich Ultra Amber Bock Busch If I'm hanging out at the Legion Hall, it's PBR. |
Usually just Abita Amber but occasionally I'll find some Abita Andy Gator...and that stuff is incredible... |
I am a Spaten Brau kind of guy, unless you have any Kroenbourg around.
I currently have Spaten Lager in the 'fridge, along with a couple of Optimator's a friend left. Going to pick up a case of Oktoberfest soon. |
St. Pauli Girl
Becks Shiner Miller High Life (until they screwed the pooch and supported illegal rights marches) |
If on a budget, with no job,
try Icehouse. Has 5.5% alcohol. I get a 6 pack of 16oz for $4.50. Cheap buzz. |
Nope, I already posted it on page 1. |
Strongbow is Cider and not beer |
Shiner Blonde - Newcastle - Red Stripe - Point Amber Ale (dammed good) - Coors Original - Sam Adam's Cherry Wheat - Blue Moon - Warsteiner - St. Paulie Girl
have all been in my fridge in the last 3 months. |
Fuck liquor stores. Fuck paying taxes. Make it yourself.
Homebrew rules. |
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