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Posted: 8/11/2011 11:27:17 PM EDT
sumtin about exceding his center of gravity? and "i think you been drinkin" whats THAT got to do with a helicopter ride? it was a robinson R -44 looks like a tonka toy,ya have to be drunk to ride in it 25$ a pop, 3 passenger,s for a 2 minunite ride.i aint that fat that chopper pilot was a dick!
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:30:49 PM EDT
sumtin about exceding his center of gravity? and "i think you been drinkin" whats THAT got to do with a helicopter ride? it was a robinson R -44 looks like a tonka toy,ya have to be drunk to ride in it 25$ a pop, 3 passenger,s for a 2 minunite ride.i aint that fatcopper pilots are dicks

That's pilot-speak for "You're a fat bastard".
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:31:04 PM EDT
let it out man tell us how you really feel
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:33:25 PM EDT
YEAH!  Damn copper pilots always shining the lights down from above.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:35:04 PM EDT
In Bruges comes to mind.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:35:23 PM EDT
YEAH!  Damn copper pilots always shining the lights down from above.

And hovering over your house when you're trying to sleep. Bastids.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:38:10 PM EDT
Did ya have the crazy eyes? Do ya look like a pirate? Maybe he was worried you'd try to comandeer it...
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:40:38 PM EDT
1)  How much do you weigh?

2)  What were you drinking?  And how much?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:40:38 PM EDT
Did ya have the crazy eyes? Do ya look like a pirate? Maybe he was worried you'd try to comandeer it...

no i think the other two passengers complained,i wanted to ride up front, and asked him for some stick time.he and the passengers was like
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:42:28 PM EDT
1)  How much do you weigh?

2)  What were you drinking?  And how much?

not that much
not that muchtequila
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:43:07 PM EDT
glad you did not shoot it out of the sky

2 minutes is not a long time to ride in it.

Should have told him take me up to about 2500 and we will see who makes it down faster - strap on your rig and dive out - pure win
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:43:36 PM EDT
Helo's put me to sleep.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:51:24 PM EDT
sumtin about exceding his center of gravity? and "i think you been drinkin" whats THAT got to do with a helicopter ride? it was a robinson R -44 looks like a tonka toy,ya have to be drunk to ride in it 25$ a pop, 3 passenger,s for a 2 minunite ride.i aint that fat that chopper pilot was a dick!

You were about to pay money to ride in a Robby?
Yeah, you were drunk.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:51:51 PM EDT
I've seen some huge fat bastards climb in and out of those. You must have been drunk.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:57:04 PM EDT
I rode a stunt-chopper a few years back at a local airshow, the guy was one hell of a pilot.

There is no fucking way I would go near a chopper after drinking. Count yourself lucky.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 11:59:03 PM EDT
1)  How much do you weigh?

2)  What were you drinking?  And how much?

not that much
not that muchtequila

you had the crazy eyes...

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:33:22 AM EDT

Heavy-Six? Is that you?

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:49:04 AM EDT
Hi all my name is sugar bear and I cannot quit eating.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 12:54:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:30:41 AM EDT
Please tell me more about R-44's.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:44:45 AM EDT

Last year while planning a trip to St. Louis I took a look into helicopter tours at the Arch.  They do weigh you before takeoff, so we didn't look any more into that.  

But you were possibly drunk and wanting to take the controls?
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:45:37 AM EDT
Please tell me more about R-44's.

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:54:18 AM EDT
You probably looked like you might puke.

Nothing better than having to clean puke out of the cockpit.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:55:49 AM EDT
I would be worried about someone throwing up.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:56:04 AM EDT
Did you steal any wine on the way out?
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 5:58:40 AM EDT
Should just get the lawn chair and some balloons.....
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:00:04 AM EDT
gene5 at the beach:

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:00:47 AM EDT
A few years ago they gave a guy an FUI for giving chopper rides while drunk at a fair around here.  Apparently, he gave some folks one hell of a ride, so they complained.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 6:05:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:19:04 AM EDT
In Bruges comes to mind.

Thank you!! I freaking LOVE this movie! I saw it a couple years ago on cable and forgot the name of it. I wanted to buy it on dvd but couldn't remeber the name of the flic or any of the actors' names.
The midget and hookers scene was brilliant!

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:21:00 AM EDT
Any helicopter pilot worth his salt can make anyone puke then laugh about it with his crew later.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:39:25 AM EDT



Did ya have the crazy eyes? Do ya look like a pirate? Maybe he was worried you'd try to comandeer it...

no i think the other two passengers complained,i wanted to ride up front, and asked him for some stick time.he and the passengers was like

Easy Sugar Bear....

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 11:50:54 AM EDT

  If you had put down your handle of Jack and bucket of chicken I would have let you fly!

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