Kennywood > Cedar Point
Pittsburgh's got better food, too
I'll have to agree with that, and I don't like either place. Cedar Point int he summer is a nightmare, huge ass crowds, big rides. Prpare to wait over 3+hrs on the popular rides, and the price to get in, something like 50 bucks a person is not worth it IMO.
Kennywood is smaller, rides not as good, cheaper, more of a family park.
Go to Cedar Point on the 4th of July. The place is EMPTY. (I am being 100% serious). [NOTE: I do realize it is past the 4th. Just take it as a hint for next year...]
Yes, it is busy at times, but there are other times that it is drop dead empty. I remember being about 12, and getting off of the Gemini, running out of the exit gate, and back up the entrance ramp, and jumping right back on. My folks would be sitting on a bench, and my little bro and I would run by and yell, "We're going again!"
Damn, now I'm getting nostalgic for CP...