I attend Milwaukee School of Engineering here in Milwaukee Wisconsin, it is a private college so the number of students is only like 2400 or so. Many students commute in one form or another to class because our housing only holds about 700 students. Unfortunatly this year we have been having a major issue with students bikes being stolen from our many bike racks on campus. Untill today nobody had seen who was taking them, and no missing bikes had been returned to thier owners.
Students use bike locks to lock them to anything bolted down. Pulbic Safety here at school actually gives out loaner locks if you've forgotten yours, so you dont have to risk it. Students would make the mistake of locking up thier front tire, not the frame, and with the way that many bikes these days are, the front tire is detached and the theif would take the bike.
I was walking across the street this morning in my pajamas on my way to brunch, it was around 11:30 so not too many students were around as our classes end on :50 of the hour. As I was crossing the street I noticed a guy walking up the sidewalk towards me with a bike tire and a newspaper. He sat down on a bench in front of one of the bike racks, leaned the tire against the bench, looked around, looked at the bike rack, looked at me, then opened his newspaper and proceeded to read. Now our campus isnt in any real direct route to any businesses or stores, all of the traffic is pretty much people from a local retirement home and students. This guy was an oddball. I never made eye contact, but every time I would look in his direction, he was watching me. I walked by, and entered our building. I immediatly spoke with our Public safety personell (they're at the entrances of our housing buildings) to let them know my concerns towards the suspicous individual. Then I went to lunch.
Upon leaving the cafiteria, our Public safety had the man in handcuffs and were awaiting the arrival of the MPD. They took my information and I spoke with an PS officer detailing exactly what I saw. They told me that in the short time it took for the Patrol car to arrive the man had allready moved onto the bike rack trying to get a bike free. Upon being apprehended the theif admitted to doing it several times! What a loser! He never even tried to run!
So this is me toot'n my own horn! I'm a good person today!
Click on the thumbnails for the real pictures, Imageshack had taken them down because of high bandwith usage...?
I wouldnt run from that Public Safety officer either I guess! (behind them is where our bike racks are)
EDIT: I just snagged a photo of him getting loaded into the cruiser from my dorm room (note the bench where he was sitting)
EDIT AGAIN!!! I was just looking to get another photo if the police were still here, and these two cars smashed each other in the intersection!!! hahaha this day keeps getting better! (note the old lady who commpnly patrolls campus)
EDIT #OMG!!!!! this is the most exciting day ever!! the opposite side of the block two more cars just roasted each other!!! hahaha! public safety is sure gettin a workout today!!!
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