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Posted: 8/12/2007 3:12:50 PM EDT
anywhere to get phone ringtones that isnt a scam or phone number phishing site?

got a sweet new phone and all it has are pathetic rings and music to downland for absurd amounts.

dont want any stupid music just a normal old fashion ring noise.
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 3:15:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 3:16:58 PM EDT
yah verzine has hundreds for like three bucks each... and i cant find a single normal phone ring, its absurd
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 3:28:20 PM EDT
Last year I found a site that actually had Mr. T saying several phrases, my favorite was him saying "you have a message fool".  But when my phone died I lost all that info and Verizon couldn't tell me who I got the ringtones from.  
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 3:33:14 PM EDT
verizon has a get it now search where you can find all kinds of good stuff.  
mine is "who can it be now" by men at work.
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 3:35:08 PM EDT
Make your own. It's not that difficult. Can your phone use mp3 ringtones? See these pages for making mp3 ringtones:


Search on Bittorrent sites for "ringtones" and download them

Use this site http://www.g2p.org/ to search for ringtones

Also, the following sites have lots of info and ringtones for free download:

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 5:42:47 PM EDT
Just ran across this site tonight that has a ton of free sounds:

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