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Posted: 10/23/2016 11:52:22 AM EDT
watched it on fx yesterday, awful is the key word. transformers apparently built the ark  and noah was a complete asshole. was rooting for tubal-cain to shank his ass and bring this abomination to a merciful end.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:04:15 PM EDT


watched it on fx yesterday, awful is the key word. transformers apparently built the ark  and noah was a complete asshole. was rooting for tubal-cain to shank his ass and bring this abomination to a merciful end.
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It was god fucking awful. Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:07:13 PM EDT
Nope. 2016 Ghost Buster is the worst movie of the past decade and possibly of all time.

I literally sat there for 30 minutes without having so much as a chuckle. I got up and walked away.

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:08:54 PM EDT
Noah was awesome.  I like how it borrowed a lot of stuff from unrecognized texts.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:09:13 PM EDT
wasn't Emma Watson in that?
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:12:13 PM EDT

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It was god fucking awful. Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen.  
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watched it on fx yesterday, awful is the key word. transformers apparently built the ark  and noah was a complete asshole. was rooting for tubal-cain to shank his ass and bring this abomination to a merciful end.
It was god fucking awful. Easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen.  
I said this to my wife. She was like "how bad could it be?".


Then she got mad at ME for not talking her out of watching it.

I raffed !
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:12:34 PM EDT

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wasn't Emma Watson in that?
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yeah, he was in it

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:14:42 PM EDT

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Nope. 2016 Ghost Buster is the worst movie of the past decade and possibly of all time.

I literally sat there for 30 minutes without having so much as a chuckle. I got up and walked away.

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An awful movie that was even more awful because it was a remake of a masterpiece.

It's like if they remade The Godfather with the Wayan's brothers.

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:19:32 PM EDT
The rock monsters?

WTF over.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:20:15 PM EDT
I didn't see Noah, but, "Exodus God and Kings" was crap! Barely anything in that tripe had any resemblance to the bible story of Moses. God appeared to Moses in the form of a child? What happened to the appearance of God to Moses where Moses had to wear a veil over his eyes because God was too bright for him to look at (kind of like staring directly at the sun)? Not in that BS movie. God follows Moses  in his caravan, still in the human form of a child. Talk about "artistic license" BS. Moses appeared before Ramses wearing warrior garb. Really? I too was hoping that Ramses would just execute Christian Bales' Moses. Why not? The rest of the story did not comport with the bible. Also, the nonsense of having Moses (in warrior garb) get his people across the (not Parted, but, shallowed out in this tripe of a movie) Red Sea and then going back to face off against Ramses just before the Red Sea flooded back in almost killing Moses (too bad it didn't).  Ridley Scott made a crap movie here and, like Oliver Stone with "JFK" made a twisted, nothing like the source material, BS piece. It sounds like the people responsible for Noah have done the same thing.

I can imagine that Ridley Scott's next movie will be about Sherlock Holmes. He will make Holmes a 20 year old security guard at  Police Headquarters with an aspiration to be a police detective at the French Surete (not Scotland Yard). Holmes will get a roommate who is John Watson a license physical therapist who wants to go to college to become an Osteopathic doctor. They move into a flat in White Chapel, London where John Watson goes out in the evenings to pickup and then kill prostitutes (he's actually Jack the Ripper). Holmes never finds out Watson is Jack the Ripper and they live a long, unfettered life together. End of BS story.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:27:48 PM EDT
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yeah, he was in it
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wasn't Emma Watson in that?

yeah, he was in it

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:29:36 PM EDT
It's the only movie I ever wanted my $6 back on.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:31:58 PM EDT
watched it on fx yesterday, awful is the key word. transformers apparently built the ark  and noah was a complete asshole. was rooting for tubal-cain to shank his ass and bring this abomination to a merciful end.
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It was at least an attempt to interpret the mythology into the theory of ancient aliens. There are things in the Bible that are glossed over like why "people" use to live to 800+ yrs old.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:37:07 PM EDT
It focused on the Midrach, not strictly Old Testament scripture as is commonly known.

Terrible movie regardless. Truly one of the worst things I've seen.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:39:38 PM EDT
Even though it was definitely not biblical, I did enjoy the movie.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:42:44 PM EDT
I liked it
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:50:28 PM EDT
OP hasn't seen After Earth with Will Smith and his shitty little son.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:54:10 PM EDT
the blatant vegan/envio-libtardism was bad enough, but noah being a complete dickface through most of the movie (deadset on ending humanity, leaving ham's GF in a conibear (who knew those were an antideluvian invention?) to get trampled, trying to kill his infant granddaughters) put it over the top.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 12:58:41 PM EDT
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OP hasn't seen After Earth with Will Smith and his shitty little son.
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This. That movie is the cure for insomnia.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:01:26 PM EDT
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OP hasn't seen After Earth with Will Smith and his shitty little son.
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On planet earth, where humans haven't lived for 1000, or was it 3000 years.   No humans on earth.  But lots of wild animals.  Amd they all evolved to kill humams, which they haven't seen for 1000 years?
Maybe I missed something.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:03:29 PM EDT
watched it on fx yesterday, awful is the key word. transformers apparently built the ark  and noah was a complete asshole. was rooting for tubal-cain to shank his ass and bring this abomination to a merciful end.
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Did you watch left behind?

I was on the road and figured it was a Nick cage movie, how bad could it be. I walked oit 1/4 of the way through.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:05:58 PM EDT
Red Dawn, the remix.

Was to come out on 11/11/11 but the Chinese got pissed and made the Americans reedit it for the Koreans.
There was no movie, just an edited mess.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:08:26 PM EDT
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On planet earth, where humans haven't lived for 1000, or was it 3000 years.   No humans on earth.  But lots of wild animals.  Amd they all evolved to kill humams, which they haven't seen for 1000 years?
Maybe I missed something.
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OP hasn't seen After Earth with Will Smith and his shitty little son.

On planet earth, where humans haven't lived for 1000, or was it 3000 years.   No humans on earth.  But lots of wild animals.  Amd they all evolved to kill humams, which they haven't seen for 1000 years?
Maybe I missed something.

Take a knee
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:11:33 PM EDT
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I didn't see Noah, but, "Exodus God and Kings" was crap!
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Noah was 87x worse.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:12:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:14:33 PM EDT
Its part of a Russel Crowe movie trilogy

- Gladiator

- Gladiator II, Robin Hood

- Gladiator III, Noah's Ark

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:16:05 PM EDT
Pfft, there are WAY worse movies out there.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:21:55 PM EDT
When the rock monsters go full on martyrdom it is pretty hysterical. Never read the old testament, who knows.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:24:44 PM EDT
NOAH, After Earth, Battlefield Earth, Prometheus are perfect for Coexist movie marathons I can see all the prius's parked out front.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:40:37 PM EDT
I watched it on FX a week or two back too and just sat with my mouth gaping open the whole time saying "what the actual fuck?" over and over!!!

Clearly a movie written and produced by heathens for heathens!
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:43:18 PM EDT
Well it's based on a retarded story so...
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