ah, sorry, wasn't clear.
this is my home network.
Att is the main router. has 4 ports.
ran out of slots, so I added a switch to give me more ports.
the router also wires to my home office, where I have a wireless router, also with 4 ports, but I changed the wan port to a lan port, so I have 5.
but again, I ran out of slots, so I added another switch there attached to that wireless router to add a vpn box work gave me to tunnel into work.
the last router wired to the att box is the upstairs router to add wifi upstairs where it is harder to get a signal.
that is why there are so many routers. and switches. as I add more wired devices, I need more ports, but they are not all in the same place.
all the wireless stuff I tried to interconnect wirelessly, but it became more of a pain to get coverage and get them to play nice.
the last one at the end hasn't been added yet, as I haven't run the line yet. but I realized today I could.
so I thought I would see if I left anything out funny.
I guess i was concerned with collisions from 5 things on a switch that only went to a single router port. or again, is that handled by the switch? maybe I am thinking about the hubs.
it is all 1 subnet.
I could clear out a router and replace it with a switch, but I already own this stuff, so I figured I would make due with it, unless I am causing myself a problem.
no switches are looped, and couldn't be with the placement. so I figure I am good there.