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Posted: 3/23/2001 6:08:26 AM EDT
alright fellas, should i buy a pre ban or a post ban AR. i have no money now. it would seem more econamical to get the post ban, but if i did, it would be that much longer till i could get a pre ban. i guess the question is witch to get first. also, when it that RRA limited addition thing over. i will be able to get a post ban this summer, or i could get a pre ban lower. will the limited be available say, in july?? if so i might be pursuaded to get that instead of a pre ban. any ideas or comments. BTW, if i get an overwhelming response either way, i will go with that, being i trust the AR15.com crew more than most people.
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 10:29:13 AM EDT
come on guys, not one response
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 11:25:35 AM EDT
Depends on what you're looking for in a preban, the preban AR's usually come with the evil features and allow you to mount a telestock(functionally) should you want to install a carbine upper. You would also have a choice in flashhiders. All in all you would have a more complete AR15

On the other hand, you want a good weapon fast. A postban w/ a compensator such as the Ycomp or equivalents will do just fine too. Bushmaster makes a very nice postban M4 clone right now w/ fixed telestock and compensator.

Seems to me, it all comes down to two things. How big are you willing to spend and what do you want in your AR15.

If you're willing to spend more money on a good used preban, do it. They are getting more scarce and you will have a more complete AR15 IMHO. If you want an AR15 yesterday, go with what's available. Browse trough the different MFG's websites and then decide.

Good luck hunting

Link Posted: 3/23/2001 5:01:50 PM EDT
If you’re a purist & not concerned about money, get the pre-ban.
If your more interested in shooting, accuracy, & more bang for the buck, go for the post-ban.
I’m not carping on those who prefer the pre-bans, but I just can’t see getting wrapped around the axle over flash hiders & bayonet lugs.
Flash Hiders: A good crowned barrel is much more accurate.
Bayo Lug: If you’re in a situation where the it’s necessary, you’re WAY too close to the problem. The very last command a grunt wants to hear is “Fix Bayonets!”.
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 5:15:04 PM EDT
your welcome to contact me and come try mine out

I think for your first you can't beat the Rock River LE, good price and you could always sell it later probably for alot more.

I agree, for the price all the evil features are just hype

Link Posted: 3/23/2001 6:33:07 PM EDT
or build your own like we do.
see ours at www.geocities.com/coltm1991a1
happy shooting,
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 6:45:53 PM EDT
I'm assuming this is your "first"? If so, go with the post ban. Use the additional money for mags, ammo, accessories. The LE rifle sounds nice. Too bad my wife already said  [b] NO!!!![/b][BD]           [:D] Milldude
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 6:46:14 PM EDT
It all depends on YOU.
You have been here for a while, you know the differences between the two.
It sounds like money is your only limiting factor.
You can have a complete postban this summer, or you can have a preban lower this summer.
Do you ever plan on buying a preban? You know that prices are never going down on them.
If you want to have an AR to shoot as soon as possible then buy the postban.
My first AR was a postban Colt 16" 1/9 flattop.
I paid $749 for it.
At the shop where I bought it the owner was selling a brand new Colt 20" 1/9 A2 blocked AR for $200 more than what I bought my postban AR for. If I would of known of the AR15 list at the time, I would of used a credit card
to pay the extra $200 for the preban.
It sounds like you should buy the postban at this time.

Link Posted: 3/23/2001 6:48:14 PM EDT
IAjack, where you live??? i bet you live in east Iowa
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 9:14:45 PM EDT
South Cent - Oskaloosa to be exact

but nowhere in Iowa is really that far
Link Posted: 3/23/2001 11:06:09 PM EDT
If you have some kind historical interest and want to duplicate, say, a Vietnam-era M16A1, then get pre-ban.

Otherwise, get post-ban and save your money. You can get a fixed muzzle brake if you want something stuck on the end of your barrel, and my personal opinion is that those telescoping stocks are mental masturbation. Bayonets went out with the M1 Garand, if not sooner. For the weight of carrying a bayonet, you could have a pocket knife with a screwdriver, can opener, etc. and still carry 10 more rounds to shoot those guys with before they come into bayonet range and maybe knock over the can of beans you just opened.
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 12:52:44 AM EDT
I ended up selling all of my prebans and have the Bushmaster M4 postban. You can do just about everything you want with it as you can a preban and sock away the money for quality ammo and mags. I have no use for a bayonet lug period. Plus, I am not a small guy so I am more suited for a fixed stock than a tele-stock any day. It all boils down to what YOU want in your weapon. Always go with your own preference, not popular choice. You will end up enjoying your weapon more over time.
Link Posted: 3/24/2001 1:49:11 AM EDT
thanks guys, i think im going to go post ban. i will buy that this summer and then start and maybe by next summer have a pre ban coming togeather.
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