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Posted: 10/10/2005 7:55:22 PM EDT
it was 10:30pm in WI.  They didn't want to sell 9mm ammo to me so late, but had no problem with the 12gauge shot and slugs in 100 boxes sitting on the shelf

I asked him to explain his logic to me and he told me because it was after dark.  So just because the sun goes down that makes me more likely to be a criminal?  His supervisor eventually came over and did sell me 3 winchester white boxes of 9mm115gr

This is the 2nd time I've had this discussion at our walmart.  The first time with them was when I wanted to buy 300 rounds before and they told me that was suspicious.

anyone else have problems with walmart? Every time I go there I feel that I should give business to my local gun shop but his ammo is almost 2x the price and doesn't even sell winchester white box, nor any premium defense ammo.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 7:56:40 PM EDT
Stop shopping at Wallyworld and you won't have these problems.

If not, sit down, shut up, and live with the stoopid rules.

AFAS the local guy being twice the price, have you told him what you are willing to pay?  Offered to buy in bulk if he could meet a price?   Shopped the internet?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 7:57:19 PM EDT
I have walked into Walmart at 1100pm and got 5.56 and 9mm.

Must just be your store or the fact I look like that guy that will raise hell if I dont get my ammo

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 7:59:04 PM EDT
I'm a clean cut 25 (26 next month) with a cop cut going to school for law enforcement.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:05:09 PM EDT
Go to www.walmartstores.com/wmstore/wmstores/Container.jsp?template=ContactUs.jsp for Wal-Mart's online store feedback form. Write a complaint letter for management that their employees are interfering with the sale of retail goods.

This stuff works. I complained about the card readers at the gas pumps going bad at the Sam's Club near me and they replaced all the pumps with new ones with LCD screens. So now they can trade my money for gas and flash color ads while my tank fills up.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:07:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:07:57 PM EDT
My biggest problem with getting ammo late at Wal-Fart is finding the guy with the key
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:09:04 PM EDT

I'm a clean cut 25 (26 next month) with a cop cut going to school for law enforcement.

Maybe that's the problem
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:11:25 PM EDT
damnit, gang bangers must be dressing with more appropriate attire now.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:12:25 PM EDT

I'm a clean cut 25 (26 next month) with a cop cut going to school for law enforcement.

And if you were to ever use that as your argument...Id ask you if you were interested in a tazer
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:14:02 PM EDT

My biggest problem with getting ammo late at Wal-Fart is finding the guy with the key

Me too.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:19:57 PM EDT
I wouldn't sell ammo to clean_cut either.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:23:51 PM EDT
Ugh I can't stand Walmart- especially at late hours. All the low class employees standing around outside (on break?) just acting, well, low class. Just breaking past that is tough enough. Then dealing with the other shoppers in the store...ugh! At least later at night you don't have the mothers who string their children along pulling their childs arms out of their sockets, all the while the kid screaming. And then you get to checkout.......INCREDIBLY SLOW! I just stand there and get mad- our local store always puts the slowest (even deaf sometimes) employees in the EXPRESS ISLE, making it take longer time then the normal checkout lines- even with a longer line with people having tons of stuff.

I guess I'm lucky they arn't like some of my local grocery stores with the 'mini carts' for little kids to run rampant around the stores running into stuff, and just being plain annoying.

Ok, I'm done venting
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:25:12 PM EDT
you might rob em

wally world HAS NO logic, so dont fret about it....

P.S: shop earlier
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:28:31 PM EDT
well I went there later because my g/f works there.  So I talked to her for a few minutes and then walked over to the sporting goods section.  Waited and talked to another man there who was looking at the shotguns in the racks for about 15 minutes before I looked around for an employee.  Finally one of them paged someone to come back and help.  after she got there, she then found out she had to go get the key from the front of the store.  

I've only had 2 dates with this girl and she has never shot any type of firearm before but strangely doesn't mind me liking to shoot my 9mm.  Anyone know if she gets a discount on 9mm ammo? lol
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:29:46 PM EDT

well I went there later because my g/f works there.  So I talked to her for a few minutes and then walked over to the sporting goods section.  Waited and talked to another man there who was looking at the shotguns in the racks for about 15 minutes before I looked around for an employee.  Finally one of them paged someone to come back and help.  after she got there, she then found out she had to go get the key from the front of the store.  

I've only had 2 dates with this girl and she has never shot any type of firearm before but strangely doesn't mind me liking to shoot my 9mm.  Anyone know if she gets a discount on 9mm ammo? lol

thats cool

dont know the policy on walmart employees geting discounts on ammo....she might though

if so, GROUP BUY!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:30:36 PM EDT
My walmart has the handgun ammo behind the counter. The shotgun ammo is on the floor. It turns out that hardly anyone has a key to the ammo counter and it can be dificult for me to get my ammo in the evening since no one with a key seems to be around.

I now have a dillon 650 and hardly ever buy anything at Walmart!!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:31:54 PM EDT
Where in WI?  No reason, just curious.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:32:00 PM EDT

Go to www.walmartstores.com/wmstore/wmstores/Container.jsp?template=ContactUs.jsp for Wal-Mart's online store feedback form. Write a complaint letter for management that their employees are interfering with the sale of retail goods.

This stuff works. I complained about the card readers at the gas pumps going bad at the Sam's Club near me and they replaced all the pumps with new ones with LCD screens. So now they can trade my money for gas and flash color ads while my tank fills up.

this actually works.  my roommate and i complained about some pizza we got one time anf Papa Johns sent us 2 coupons for free pizzas. we were stoked.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:32:36 PM EDT

Where in WI?  No reason, just curious.

Delavan, WI
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:33:45 PM EDT
My problem with this walmart is they got rid of the snack section and put in a subway which means when we get conceal carry I can't get nachos there!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:41:26 PM EDT
I just bought 500 rounds the outher day.
It was not at night but the looks on the faces of the outher customers was priceless.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:41:56 PM EDT
This kind of nonsense is why I really hate shopping there.

There are several Wal-Marts locally, but they're all the same. It's almost impossible to get someone to help you and open up the cases to pull out the ammo. When they do, they never know what you want or what kinds of ammo are there.

On 9/11, shortly after the attacks, I ran down to the closest store to get a couple of boxes of .40. After finally getting someone over to the counter, he said that he was not allowed to sell ammo today. I asked why, he wouldn't answer - he just repeated himself like a zombie. I showed him my tin & ID, he told me to go up to the courtesy desk and ask them. After arguing with them, they got the manager over to argue some more. Again, he wouldn't answer as to who decided they would not sell ammo. He did, however, cave in and sell the ammo to make me go away.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:43:04 PM EDT
haha I got walked up to the front of the store with 300rds.  A bit embarrasing and sad.  they don't even do a background check so they won't know if I've been convicted of murder, and have 5 warrents in different states about me.  

The point of checking my ID is what exactly?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:44:25 PM EDT

This kind of nonsense is why I really hate shopping there.

There are several Wal-Marts locally, but they're all the same. It's almost impossible to get someone to help you and open up the cases to pull out the ammo. When they do, they never know what you want or what kinds of ammo are there.

On 9/11, shortly after the attacks, I ran down to the closest store to get a couple of boxes of .40. After finally getting someone over to the counter, he said that he was not allowed to sell ammo today. I asked why, he wouldn't answer - he just repeated himself like a zombie. I showed him my tin & ID, he told me to go up to the courtesy desk and ask them. After arguing with them, they got the manager over to argue some more. Again, he wouldn't answer as to who decided they would not sell ammo. He did, however, cave in and sell the ammo to make me go away.

I never heard of this.  Anyone know if this was a national chain? Many places only have walmarts to purchase ammo from locally since they have run the gun shops out of business.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:55:39 PM EDT

Stop shopping at Wallyworld and you won't have these problems.

If not, sit down, shut up, and live with the stoopid rules.

AFAS the local guy being twice the price, have you told him what you are willing to pay?  Offered to buy in bulk if he could meet a price?   Shopped the internet?

amen brotha!!!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:56:21 PM EDT
by "cop cut" you don't mean this do you? because i'd be leary to sell this man ammo after dark.

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:02:06 PM EDT

by "cop cut" you don't mean this do you? because i'd be leary to sell this man ammo after dark.


haha I finally just saw that movie a few weeks ago.  

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:09:25 PM EDT
I remember years ago I was going on a camping trip and we all left at 3 am. I went by the local walmart, I picked up like 200 bucks worth of ammunition. I was at the register and the manager walked up and The following conversation took place.
manager "What are you buying all that ammunition at this hour for?"
I looked at him and then looked at the person at the register and said " can you ring me up please I am in a hurry."
"Sir, I asked you why you are buying all that ammunition at this hour." Said the manager.
I turned to him again and said" Why is it your business why I am buying anything in this store?"
His reply, "our policy is to not sell handgun ammunition after dark"
My response " Well I never saw a sign back there or anywhere to that effect, and the guy that got it for me never said a word, again I must ask why do you need to know my reasons for buying anything here?"
His response "Well sir, I am not going to sell you ammunition as you won't tell me why you're buying it"
My response to this " that's fine, go call your boss, RIGHT NOW!"
he blubbers and looks around, and then says " um um I am going to have to ask you to leave"
I reply "that's cool, I understand, I am going to leave, BUT you better get your boss here ASAP so I can speak with him, I'll be waiting in my car outside."
Now by this time I start to walk towards the door and two employees walk up behind from each side on me. I exit the store and wait outside (The parking lot was a shared one with a Winn Dixie so I assume they couldn't ask me to leave the lot)
5 minutes later a car pulls up parks and a person dressed in walmart gear gets out, walks in and speaks to the manager. The guy points at me and then I can see the other guy speaking quickly and there appears to be some major, major reaming going on.
    The new guy walks out and sees my window is rolled down and walks up.
He says" I am really sorry about what happened tonight sir, the assistant manager had no business asking you why you wanted to buy that ammunition or anything else. Come on back in and we'll ring you up"
    From what I gathered the new guy was the manager and the other guy was the assistant. I was happy and that was that. No other time has anyone ever said a word to me about buying ammuntion at 3 or 4 in the morning.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:11:44 PM EDT
one night, i went in to buy ammo, at my normal time of 12 am. Well this time some stupid ***** at the counter says we cant sell it to you after whatever the time they stop selling ammo is. And I said, lady I buy ammo here twice a week at this time. She said she wasnt allowed to do that. My girlfriend was standing there with me, and I asked to speak with the manager. The manager comes out and says they cant sell it and if they could they would need to see my GFs ID to make sure I wasnt straw purchasing ammo. I then asked the manager if he asks to see all the little boy's ID's whos fathers go in there with them and buy ammo. He said it is state law and he must, and I said bullshit. The guy was a complete moron. I gave him a real piece of my mind and started walking away, and flicked him off....and he said "are you done?" and I said no, by the way I hope you feel very fufilled being 40 and working as a supervisor at wal mart. There were quite a few explicatives in there was well...because I was PISSED!

lets just say I dont go to wal-mart anymore for ammo. I buy online.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:33:04 PM EDT

Every time I go there I feel that I should give business to my local gun

One thing everyone needs to think about . If not for Walmart you would not have the oppurtunity to purchase after dark, since most gun shops close at 5pm or so.  It was a bit of a hassle but you got it  otherwise you would have been without the ammo at 1030 pm.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:06:15 PM EDT
I go to Walmart late at night when I need to feel like I am in Mexico.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:11:30 PM EDT
One day I am gonna buy a bunch of ammo at Wallly World along with a  shovel, duct tape and a disposable camera.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 1:56:42 AM EDT

On 9/11, shortly after the attacks, I ran down to the closest store to get a couple of boxes of .40. After finally getting someone over to the counter, he said that he was not allowed to sell ammo today. I asked why, he wouldn't answer - he just repeated himself like a zombie. I showed him my tin & ID, he told me to go up to the courtesy desk and ask them. After arguing with them, they got the manager over to argue some more. Again, he wouldn't answer as to who decided they would not sell ammo. He did, however, cave in and sell the ammo to make me go away.

Thats fucked up.  On sept. 11, while I was an Asst. Manager at the WalMart I worked at, I had the sporting goods guys pull out all the ammo from the back room, and keep it behind the counter.  I knew folks would be coming in to stock up.  I also initiated a store rollback, and knocked the prices down as far as I could, and promptly sold the shit out of the ammo.  All we had left at the end of the day was .25acp.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 2:42:15 AM EDT
I love my Wal Mart.  Bought a shotgun for my wife a couple of weeks ago.  As I was getting ready to pay for the gun, the Asst. Manager asked if I needed any ammunition for the gun.

So I grabbed 4 boxes of shells and dropped them on the counter.  If she hadn't walked the gun to the front, I could have blasted the place.  
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 3:02:33 AM EDT

it was 10:30pm in WI.  They didn't want to sell 9mm ammo to me so late, but had no problem with the 12gauge shot and slugs in 100 boxes sitting on the shelf

I asked him to explain his logic to me and he told me because it was after dark.  So just because the sun goes down that makes me more likely to be a criminal?  His supervisor eventually came over and did sell me 3 winchester white boxes of 9mm115gr

This is the 2nd time I've had this discussion at our walmart.  The first time with them was when I wanted to buy 300 rounds before and they told me that was suspicious.

anyone else have problems with walmart? Every time I go there I feel that I should give business to my local gun shop but his ammo is almost 2x the price and doesn't even sell winchester white box, nor any premium defense ammo.

I ordered 6000 rounds of Wolf 9mm Luger, .223 and 7.62x39 online w/o any problems. If you came out of Walmart with that much ammo, you'd probably have the entire county SWAY team outside the door in 5 minutes.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 3:17:34 AM EDT

Must just be your store...


definitely his store. my wallyworld, the toofless barfly bimbo at the "sports" counter didn't know what a goddam sling swivel was, didn't know what "white box winchester" was, and axed me if 9mm was a pistol or rifle round...
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:47:49 AM EDT

I ordered 6000 rounds of Wolf 9mm Luger, .223 and 7.62x39 online w/o any problems. If you came out of Walmart with that much ammo, you'd probably have the entire county SWAY team outside the door in 5 minutes.

Never bought 6000 rounds in a store, but the last time my local farm supply store had the 250 round bulk UMC boxes on sale, I bought 2000 rounds.  No strange looks, just an offer for help carrying it out and a cardboard box to hold my purchases.  

That was a heavy box!

Oh, and btw, they had this deal where if you bought a 250 pack, there was some free Remington watertight box that came with it.  They looked, and there was no limit on it, so I walked out with 8 of those too
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 9:39:34 AM EDT

My problem with this walmart is they got rid of the snack section and put in a subway which means when we get conceal carry I can't get nachos there!

shit your walmart has a subway ours here is getting one of them put in.

they know me at the counter if i want 6 550rnd boxes of .22lr ammo they have no problem one of theses days im walking in there and will be walking out with 5550 rnds of .22 lr cost for me 100.00 and tax.

i only shoot .22 lr right now till i get my glock 17
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 10:15:22 AM EDT

The point of checking my ID is what exactly?

Maybe the same thing they do in Missouri...to make sure you are not a desperado renegade Illinois resident illegally attempting to buy ammunition without a FOID.

I had thought it was just to make sure I was over 18, but with my gray hair, that should've been obvious....so I asked "Why?"  and that's what they told me.

Stilll begs the question, why is a Missouri retailer worried about enforcing an Illinois law.

"Your papers please...."
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 11:46:57 AM EDT

I'm a clean cut 25 (26 next month) with a cop cut going to school for law enforcement.

Just like these fellas, huh? That would be reason enough for me not to sell you ammo. http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/ap/20051009/capt.lame10610091902.new_orleans_taped_beating_lame106.jpg?x=180&y=188&sig=n9ZwFfcA7gMNODQWlMX.Vg--
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 1:08:29 PM EDT
Hell, the hardest part about my local wally is that there's never any staff around.  Ammo isn't locked up, so you just have to reach over the counter to pick it up yourself.  You'd be surprised how fast a "customer service associate" will appear and help you when you self serve.
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