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Posted: 5/8/2003 7:02:13 AM EDT
I just had one question...On cheaper than dirt I noticed they sold a Titanium firing for AR's. It's "lighter and faster". Is it worth the $25? or should I not even bother? Thanks.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:11:44 AM EDT
lighter = decreased (faster) lockup speed.
(the firing pin hits the primer faster, resulting in less time from trigger pull to ignition.)

means a ever so tiny increase in accuracy potential.

If you're shooting for accuracy and have that kind of money to blow.. go for it.

If you're just a "regular" user, plinker and/or for fun.. then forgo it and just use a milspec one.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:16:30 AM EDT
Every time this question comes up on the AR board, the responses have been a resounding NO.
The usual reasons are that Titanium is a brittle metal, and chips or cracks, causing failure to fire.
For the price of one TP you can get three mil spec pins.
Link Posted: 5/8/2003 7:20:52 AM EDT
just a dumb answer: NO
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