Every stupid internet video on every stupid internet site, should play on every stupid different phone.
I am sick of clicking on "cool video" threads only to find that this particular site won't work with my blackberry, but another site will.
Wtf. Is It that hard ? We went to the moon for fuck's sake. With shitty computers the size of buses and fucking engineers jerking their fucking sliderules in mad frenzy.
Fuck you worthless hipster fucking facebook inventing, segue driving, obama voting sons of whores techno internet dweebs. Take a day away from starbucks, put on your square framed fucking glasses and oh-so-sheik che gueverra t-shirt and write some fucking code that allows me to visit any site I want with any device I want and view a simple two minute clip of some idiot tripping on salvia while watching a video of two girls one cup.
That is all I want for christmas.
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