Well, I have. I think I have finally narrowed it down to the core. FWIW, I run on Windows XP.
Immediately upon being prompted to download the latest version...like a sucker...I did.
Then everything went to hell.
Just plain could not get iTunes to run....which also means I fretted, gnashed my teeth, and got generally pissed off that I suffered the horrific trauma that (gasp)
I could not update my Ipod.
The horror, the horror.
So anyways, I found this fix...
discussions.info.apple.com/[email protected]@.68b90c60...and it worked for awhile but everything went to hell again. ITunes would not run.
Then an epiphany struck and I right clicked on the toolbar icon, clicked on compatibility, and set it to Windows 2000. Why isn't there an option for Windows XP? Anyways, its made things fine and dandy for awhile, then decended straight back to hell again. ITunes would not run.
After fussing around for quite a bit, I finally realized that Mr. Norton Security is the Devil Incarnate and prevented ITunes from working. Disable Norton, and ITunes once again runs like Forrest Gump.
Your experiences?