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Posted: 8/9/2011 6:14:25 PM EDT
A cautionary tale, courtesy of a very good friend of mine who just happened to be going through a slight case of burn-out when promotion time rolled around.

Step 1 - sign up for test (interview/oral panel)
Step 2 - get first (of 16 candidates) test slot
Step 3 - absolutely impress the hell out of the panel
Step 4 - immediately shoot up to a consensus #1 pick among the brass, pending final results
Step 5 - circulate a bogus "study guide for the Lt test" around the PD with this image, full color and page width, on all ten of its pages:

Link Posted: 8/9/2011 6:16:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 6:31:12 PM EDT
Wassamatta, can't the brass take a joke?
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:07:20 PM EDT

Must be hitting a little close to home, 'cause that's hilarious.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:24:57 PM EDT
Right click, save as.
Link Posted: 8/9/2011 7:53:50 PM EDT
Wreck a unit, get caught screwing on duty and be habitually late..... make Captain.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 12:59:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 7:12:17 AM EDT
I don't know how you guys deal with that shit. Here you pass the test, you get promoted.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 8:44:31 AM EDT
Call in sick to go to a baseball game; spend your off duty hours at OTB or a local bar, show up ETOH to fire scenes, break equipment with minor problems so they "have to buy a new one"? Get brass.

Call in sick for actual health issues? Get the cold shoulder.

I live in Ohio, but it appears we work for the same Department.
Link Posted: 8/10/2011 9:11:38 AM EDT


Wreck a unit, get caught screwing on duty and be habitually late..... make Captain.

I am sure the prerequisites are tighter than this. Screwee must be a staff secretary, sex must be in the company parking lot, there must be a resulting lawsuit, and lastly, you must get in a fist fight in the secretary's husband's office.

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 9:52:11 AM EDT
That's hilarious
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 3:56:13 AM EDT
In my old dept., the saying is:  "The easiest way to make Sergeant, is to be a Lieutenant."

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 5:09:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 6:56:06 AM EDT


In my old dept., the saying is: "The easiest way to make Sergeant, is to be a Lieutenant."

There's an SO here where the saying is, "The only reason we didn't buy stripes with velcro on the back is because they don't sell 'em that way."
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 9:08:18 AM EDT
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