I was four. The opener of deer season is a big deal in my family like the rest of rural Pennsylvania. There was never a question whether I would hunt or not, it is what my family does. My dad has the old Super 8 movies of me all bundled up and waist deep in snow, opener of PA deer season 1975. I vaguely remember, most of it is caught in pictures like a photo in my mind. I tagged along every year until I was old enough to carry a gun and havent stopped since.
There is never an age too early to introduce kids to the outdoors. I have not met a child, boy or girl, that is not enthralled by catching a bluegill or catching a frog. I cannot remember the first time I fired a gun, it was before I formed any coherent memories I guess. I do remember having a BB gun when I was in Kindergarten. I had a pocket knife too, I brought it for show and tell along with some live 30-06 rounds and a sling shot my grandfather made for me.