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Posted: 11/30/2014 2:54:34 PM EDT
It's almost like they know they can encite others to engage in illegal and unproductive behavior, while not having to face any consequences or put themselves in harms way. As a matter of fact, they are making it worse for those they claim to care about, all while raking in the bucks. One would think that their followers would see this, or are they really that stupid?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 2:56:06 PM EDT
They really are that stupid.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 2:56:28 PM EDT
They are being given the green light to act like animals from folks that for some unknown reason are their leaders.  Why would they question or be upset?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 2:58:25 PM EDT
He sould be charged with the crime of in sighting public discord
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 2:58:37 PM EDT
Are the rest of us just as stupid for allowing it to go on?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:01:12 PM EDT
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Are the rest of us just as stupid for allowing it to go on?
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What are 'we' going to do?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:03:19 PM EDT
Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:04:54 PM EDT
are you kidding me, that would be racist
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He sould be charged with the crime of in sighting public discord
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Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:07:12 PM EDT
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Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?
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Can someone please fix my link above, because FrankDrebin apparently can't see the corresponding thread on page 1 of Arfcom.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:07:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:10:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:11:04 PM EDT
Fuck them all. From those publicly calling for crimes to be committed to those committing crimes to those condoning crimes after they are committed. Each and every person in one of these categories has no place in this country...

...complete garbage...
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:11:28 PM EDT
How is what they are doing any different then what Charles Manson did? Yet he sits in federal prison where he should be and they continue to spiel their hate.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:11:39 PM EDT
They're playing chess while most are playing tic tac toe.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:11:40 PM EDT
The problem is not just with those inciting violence or those committing violence, the problem is solely upon the shoulders of the DOJ and failure of leadership in the White House.




Apple sux
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:12:24 PM EDT
Well, the communists had their "useful idiots"

we could throw a thesaurus full of names around and still not accomplish anything
when opening the eyes of those that are being used and abused to the atrocities that
are being committed against them is what really needs to be done.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:12:31 PM EDT
This quote from Life of Brian is relevant whenever the leadership of an organisation suggests actions that are increadibly dangerous without taking part himself.

FRANCIS: Now, this is the palace in Caesar's Square. Our commando unit will approach from Fish Street, under cover of night, and make our way to the northwestern main drain. If questioned, we are sewage workers on our way to a conference. -- Reg, our glorious leader and founder of the P.F.J., will be coordinating consultant at the drain head, though he himself will not be taking part in any terrorist action, as he has a bad back.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:13:33 PM EDT
what I don't get is why they aren't picked up for inciting said riots, murders, lootings, or arsons.  

but that would be racist....
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:18:49 PM EDT
They know that with Obama and Holder in office they can get away with it. They should be arrested for terrorism otherwise if they do.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:19:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:25:32 PM EDT
Half of GD calls for revolution every day, but no one has started it yet.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:26:42 PM EDT
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What are 'we' going to do?
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Are the rest of us just as stupid for allowing it to go on?

What are 'we' going to do?

Stop supporting the MSM.  Cancel your cable/satellite. You are paying to give these people a format to voice their bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:27:58 PM EDT
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Can someone please fix my link above, because FrankDrebin apparently can't see the corresponding thread on page 1 of Arfcom.
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Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?

Can someone please fix my link above, because FrankDrebin apparently can't see the corresponding thread on page 1 of Arfcom.

I see from your link where Farrakhan made comments which are pretty typical for him.  I did not see where Al or Jesse joined in.  Do you have a link for their comments as well?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:35:22 PM EDT
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The is not with those inciting violence or those committing violence, the problem is solely upon the shoulders of the DOJ and failure of leadership in the White House.


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You and I can't do shit, not legally anyway. The people who are in a position to remedy the situation fall into 2 categories, those who approve, condone, and/or are in favor of the "us against them, we have to fight back, we are punished because of our culture" propaganda, and those who are cowards, liars, don't want bad publicity and don't want to be called bad names, even though they know it is wrong and destructive.  None of them have the desire or appetite to stop it.

Hatred is big business. Sharpton, Farakan, Jackson, Obama, Holder and many others, help to create and sustain the unrest and racist culture to enrich and empower themselves. They would be broke and powerless if racism were allowed to fade away. They have no useful skills other than being race baiters, shit stirrers and extortionists. Sharpton owes millions in taxes. What has he done that is useful and how much did he have to rake in to get himself in that situation? How much pain, suffering and property damage has he incited to make that money?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:37:02 PM EDT
...and bin Ladin never personally participated in a suicide bombing.


Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:38:12 PM EDT
MSNBC gives Sharpton a TV show so he can take his stupid nationwide.
No one watches , so I guess it doesn't matter.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:43:23 PM EDT
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They are being given the green light to act like animals from folks that for some unknown reason are their leaders.  Why would they question or be upset?
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Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:49:35 PM EDT
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I see from your link where Farrakhan made comments which are pretty typical for him.  I did not see where Al or Jesse joined in.  Do you have a link for their comments as well?
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Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?

Can someone please fix my link above, because FrankDrebin apparently can't see the corresponding thread on page 1 of Arfcom.

I see from your link where Farrakhan made comments which are pretty typical for him.  I did not see where Al or Jesse joined in.  Do you have a link for their comments as well?

I'm not going to link to all the idiocy that comes from the mouths of these heathens just because you want to pretend that these guys are upstanding citizens. Your first question was, "Cite to where any one of them........."  I answered. You just want to play games.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:55:45 PM EDT
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I'm not going to link to all the idiocy that comes from the mouths of these heathens just because you want to pretend that these guys are upstanding citizens. Your first question was, "Cite to where any one of them........."  I answered. You just want to play games.
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Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?

Can someone please fix my link above, because FrankDrebin apparently can't see the corresponding thread on page 1 of Arfcom.

I see from your link where Farrakhan made comments which are pretty typical for him.  I did not see where Al or Jesse joined in.  Do you have a link for their comments as well?

I'm not going to link to all the idiocy that comes from the mouths of these heathens just because you want to pretend that these guys are upstanding citizens. Your first question was, "Cite to where any one of them........."  I answered. You just want to play games.

I think all three of them are pieces of shit and I wouldn't walk across the street to urinate on any of them if they were on fire.  

But I'm not going to lose my credibility and look like an asshole for attributing something to Al and Jesse when they didn't actually say it.  For fuck's sake, they say enough stupid shit without you having to make something up.  But by all means carry on.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:57:02 PM EDT
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They really are that stupid.
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That's what I was afraid of, but I didn't want to believe it
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:58:22 PM EDT
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what I don't get is why they aren't picked up for inciting said riots, murders, lootings, or arsons.  

but that would be racist....
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I do not understand this, either.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 3:59:43 PM EDT
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The problem is not just with those inciting violence or those committing violence, the problem is solely upon the shoulders of the DOJ and failure of leadership in the White House.




Apple sux
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unfortunately, under this regime, application of the law is optional, from the top down
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:00:25 PM EDT
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...and bin Ladin never personally participated in a suicide bombing.


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Do I see what you did there?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:02:06 PM EDT
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I do not understand this, either.
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what I don't get is why they aren't picked up for inciting said riots, murders, lootings, or arsons.  

but that would be racist....

I do not understand this, either.

Because of the First Amendment.  

Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:02:36 PM EDT
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I think all three of them are pieces of shit and I wouldn't walk across the street to urinate on any of them if they were on fire.  

But I'm not going to lose my credibility and look like an asshole for attributing something to Al and Jesse when they didn't actually say it.  For fuck's sake, they say enough stupid shit without you having to make something up.  But by all means carry on.
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Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?

Can someone please fix my link above, because FrankDrebin apparently can't see the corresponding thread on page 1 of Arfcom.

I see from your link where Farrakhan made comments which are pretty typical for him.  I did not see where Al or Jesse joined in.  Do you have a link for their comments as well?

I'm not going to link to all the idiocy that comes from the mouths of these heathens just because you want to pretend that these guys are upstanding citizens. Your first question was, "Cite to where any one of them........."  I answered. You just want to play games.

I think all three of them are pieces of shit and I wouldn't walk across the street to urinate on any of them if they were on fire.  

But I'm not going to lose my credibility and look like an asshole for attributing something to Al and Jesse when they didn't actually say it.  For fuck's sake, they say enough stupid shit without you having to make something up.  But by all means carry on.

But, what if you really, really had to pee
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:06:49 PM EDT

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Cite to where any one of them called for "looting, riots, murder, arson"?
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Seriously, I want some "kill whitey" on camera before I jump on this bandwagon.

Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:12:53 PM EDT
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I think all three of them are pieces of shit and I wouldn't walk across the street to urinate on any of them if they were on fire.  

But I'm not going to lose my credibility and look like an asshole for attributing something to Al and Jesse when they didn't actually say it.  For fuck's sake, they say enough stupid shit without you having to make something up.  But by all means carry on.
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I think all three of them are pieces of shit and I wouldn't walk across the street to urinate on any of them if they were on fire.  

But I'm not going to lose my credibility and look like an asshole for attributing something to Al and Jesse when they didn't actually say it.  For fuck's sake, they say enough stupid shit without you having to make something up.  But by all means carry on.

“It is imperative, from Ferguson to Staten Island, that we let them know that we are not going to allow anything but a fair and just hearing of the evidence,” Sharpton said,
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:14:16 PM EDT
It's almost like they know they can encite others to engage in illegal and unproductive behavior, while not having to face any consequences or put themselves in harms way. As a matter of fact, they are making it worse for those they claim to care about, all while raking in the bucks. One would think that their followers would see this, or are they really that stupid?
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Fixed that whole thing for you. You're welcome.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:16:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:19:10 PM EDT
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Are the rest of us just as stupid for allowing it to go on?
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I didn't allow anything to go on, but I sure couldn't drive up to St Louis and stop them.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:20:52 PM EDT
Nor do they ever get charged with a crime.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 4:21:02 PM EDT
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Half of GD calls for revolution every day, but no one has started it yet.
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Only half?
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 5:41:57 PM EDT
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Do I see what you did there?
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...and bin Ladin never personally participated in a suicide bombing.


Do I see what you did there?

Well, I see a lot of validation of the riots on Facebook with a link to a page something like "White People Rioting For No Reason." First of all, shitbirds come on all races. That being said, this one is different. Why?

Because it was premeditated. This isn't a riot after a basketball game. This is organized violence that has been planned for months.

Violence in order to facilitate political change has always been considered terrorism, as long as I can remember.
Link Posted: 11/30/2014 5:42:52 PM EDT
Rabble's gonna be roused by rousers of rabble.
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