CNN has recently published a map of the world with a simplistic color code which estimates levels of gun violence across the world. While this map is supposed to show what barbarians we are here in America, what it really proves is that GUN CONTROL DOES NOT WORK. First, take a look at the map., you will notice that while there are "Low Gun Crime" countries which have strict gun control laws (ie mostly Europe) there are other countries with strict gun control laws which are red, or have a high rate of crime. Mexico, Russia and Brazil have all basically banned firearms, and yet they still have high murder rates. And why is it that no one looks at Switzerland? Basically no gun control, and they're "white" on the map.
My conclusion: control has fuck-all to do with stopping gun violence. Violent crime is predicated by a number of societal factors, and gun control will NEVER work to stem violent crime. It will, however, turn law-abiding citizens into good victims. Like it did at VT.