So i need to insulate my crawl space. i have a dirt foundation with several pillars supporting the house, (vapor barrier over the dirt), walls ave plywood with r19 blue board Styrofoam, trusses are about 2 feet below the ceiling(floor of 1st floor) 24 inches apart, vents in walls truss at mid truss level. ventilation for hot water heater and furnace are through the 1st floor from the crawl space. Currently when the furnace fires it sucks in outside into the crawlspace and up to it to burn. This freezes the 1st floor floor, (triggering the thermostat after a couple minutes, drawing in more cold air, and que continuous furnace running during winter here). Pipes for freshwater and waste water run in teh middle of the trusses(except where they go out of the house into the ground).
my plan is to get a large quantity of styrofoam boards (the kind coated with foil on both sides), some "great stuff" small gap type, 3 inch screws with washers, a couple rolls of fiberglass batts(unfaced), and some HVAC pipe with 90 degree bends.
I intend to run the HVAC piping from the intake vents to below the level of the trusses, and run two large pipes UP from the crawlspace into the furnace room(for combustion air) this will help with a potential lack of combustion air. The walls at levels above the bottom of trusses are to be insulated with the unfaced bats(prevents moisture problems). The trusses are to have the foil covered styoafoam attached to the bottom in a continous sheet(sealed with great stuff at joints), and sealed around the intake vents. see diagram(if i can get attached