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Posted: 4/20/2017 12:33:37 PM EDT
Uniforms of the United States Army 1774-1889

just picked this up yesterday.

The backstory is that its a reprint of a book published in 1889 by an artist named H A Ogden who created the book for the War Department.

This is a reprint of the first edition. There were later editions published that showed the Army up through 1907.

The last reprint of the 1907 edition was last published in 1960

for $9.95 I thought it was pretty neat.
Link Posted: 4/20/2017 7:35:46 PM EDT
here's some of the plates from the book

kind of neat to see how the uniforms evolved over the years

I think its neat that in the 1880s the US Army actually wore Prussian style dress helmets. The infantry variant even had a spike
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