Fox Pro electonic calls work nice. New ones are expensive. Watch CL and you can find the old Fox Pros that look like a flashlight, they work great and last for years. Use the rabbit distress call, I like those best. I too have mouth calls and they work really good but after a while you get tired espesially if you are hunting alone.
Weapon, personally I like the larger calibers, 5.56 has left me searching for wonded animals too many times. I also carry a shotgun along with my rifle everytime I go.
Predator hunting is also great for kids because they get to move around more from stand to stand.
Use the wind to your advantage much like deer hunting.
Bait cycles work really good too. I make mine out of deer meat scraps. Most anything will work, When you cut scraps off of meat, put it in a plastic dish like ziploc storage cantainers, add HOT water and freeze it. Hot water draws the blood out of the meat.
When you get ready to go hunting take it out of the freezer and place the frozen block of bloody meat in a feild or at the edge of a wood line. Fox and Coyotes love bloody meat. Road kills and deer carcasses also work well.
Set this up with the bait on your down wind side so that it covers your scent as these guys have good smellers. Call facing into the wind. Keep a watch down wind for coyotes coming to the bait smell.