Lemme give you a little background of the office I am currently temping/consulting at. Everyone is about late 20's early 30's. With the exception of a few women in their 50's. Sorry only 3hot looking girls. 2 are married and one a lesbian. Or at least that is what they told me.
Our SVP is this old bag of a lady and the 2 dept heads are also old bags. Affectionately named of course
I get back from lunch and they called a brief meeting. Its regarding the migration of account to another location. Well a few of the consultants have been travelling back and forth between here, Chicago and Delaware to facilitate systems integration and such. Well anyways, at the end of the meeting, with all the females there including the old bags, the office manager wanted to remind everyone that.....and I quote: "You need to have your
T&A expense report in by Monday to be paid on the 31st pay period." The SVP suddenly turned to him and said, "Excuse me!! Can you repeat that??" At this time I believe the manager did not realize what he said and mistook her surprise due to the short notice cut off. So he says again, and I quote verbatim, "your
T&A expense report must be turned in by the close of business on the 28th. So make sure you have your
T&A's ready by at the very least Mon morning if you want to get paid this month for it."
At this point chuckling started all around the room. It became worse as the head old bag stood there with a surprised look and her mouth wide open. The office manager finally realized what he had said and tried correct himself. "No, no no, I meant T&
E and not T&A. I'm so sorry"
Not one for being at a loss for words, I yell out, "Since you are the office manager, I am sure you know which forms to fill out for HR regarding this don't you. Its not T&A form 69." The room erupted in laughter. Including the old bag.
Now I have an office manager gunning for me. It couldn't be helped. It had to be done. I am still laughing as I type this.