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Posted: 5/23/2002 3:41:09 PM EDT
I usually run in the mornings, and last week about 3 hours after my running session, I started to feel pressure in my right knee (like it does when the weather changes).  In less than an hour it was actually hurting below the kneecap on either side.  There was no pain or pressure for close to 3 hours after I ran, and that is the only thing I did that day that could have stressed my knee or injured it.

I'm thinking: [>:/] I haven't exercised since, and it still hurts when walking down stairs (but not up), kneeling on it, squatting, and sometimes when I just walk normally.

Anyone else ever experience an injury like this?  I had surgery on it in 9th grade (13 years ago) to remove some excess kneecap lining, but that's the only problem I've had before now.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 3:55:35 PM EDT
i am a runner also, are your shoes old,maybe they need replacing.
when my knees or shins start hurting i know its time for some new shoes.
7 or 8 yrs ago after a run my left knee swelled up for 2-3 days. it hurt just a little bit while i was running. i couldnt run for about a year.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 4:11:08 PM EDT
New shoes.  I've been running since the beginning of April with no problems, so the shoes are broken in.  It's only my right knee.  In fact, it's throbbing just sitting here at the computer.

i couldnt run for about a year.
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That's not good, since I'm trying to get in shape for a possible police job.  The last thing I need is to mess up my knee before the full medical physical and the academy.
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 5:27:09 PM EDT
put ice on it. dont run until it gets better.
 when you run push off with your ankles,use your calf muscles instead of your knees. i started doing this years ago and it works. it will feel funny at first but after a while you will do this automatically. you dont here about peoples ankles needing replaced. i have been running for the last 10 yrs. except for the occasional injury. last 5 i have been running 25-30 miles week.  good luck
Link Posted: 5/23/2002 5:46:15 PM EDT
Ok you said your shoes are new.  How new?  did you change style/manufaturer of the shoe you usually wear.  I know this may sound oddball, but different shoes have different effects on some people.  
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 5:45:43 AM EDT
Ok you said your shoes are new.  How new?  did you change style/manufaturer of the shoe you usually wear.  I know this may sound oddball, but different shoes have different effects on some people.  
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I stick with Asics (sp?) because of a wide foot and high instep.  I got them at the beginning of April and started running the next day.  Not one problem until last week.  If it had started hurting while I was running, I'd understand; but 3 hours after I had stopped running??
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 8:24:16 AM EDT
Go to your doctor and get a referal to a sport's medicine specialist.

Knees are not something to screw with.  Get it checked out by someone who knows what to look for.  If they are concerned they will order an MRI and get a real good look for structural problems.

This is especially important since you are looking for a job in an active profession.
Link Posted: 5/27/2002 11:05:19 AM EDT
Try [url]www.kneeguy.com[/url]for a self diagnosis.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 5:37:30 PM EDT
Take care of your knees, people! I've had a dislocated left patella for about 8yrs. now, and it is crippling. I plan on FINALLY having surgery on it this coming winter, but if I had any means of paying for the procedure back then, and with some foresight, I wouldn't have hesitated as I have done.

Loony, sounds like maybe some compression-related stress injury, or the start of something of the like? I've never been totally sure how good steady running is for you. Cardio, yes..... leg joints, eh..... maybe.

Just my opinions, guys.
Link Posted: 6/3/2002 8:24:17 PM EDT
Too many years of that high flying crap, my knees always hurt.  Sorry, no advice here.
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