I don't see anyone refuting his talking points, just calling him names.
I'll play.
From http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-16/tea-party-love-of-constitution-may-kill-it-commentary-by-michael-waldman.html:
Now Senators John Kyl and Lindsey Graham have suggested rewriting this core part of the national charter. Children born here are not in fact citizens, they argue, if their parents crossed the U.S. border illegally.
So the crux of the argument is that it's wrong to keep people from benefitting from something done illegally, even if the illegal thing is done by someone else (in the above example, the person doing the illegal thing is one's parent).
Therefore, according to that belief system, if my dad steals a million bucks, then gives it to me, it's my right to keep the stolen money.
How very progressive.