So after a 26 hour drive from Indiana to Colorado through that Nebraska blizzard/ice storm from hell, I woke up from my nap and went out to get the wife and I some Big City Burrito. My truck still has an inch of ice on the side from the ice storm last night, and the antenna is about as big around as my fist.
After barely getting out of my driveway in 4WD (we got another 8 inches or so after I shoveled from last week's blizzard in CO and I was in no modd to shovel this AM when we arrived) and managing down the single lane with 6 foot snow walls for side streets, I see some asshole waving me down.
I stop and he asks me where Purdue street is. I kind of know the general area, but I that's about it, so I told him I didn't know. He then asks where College Ave is (really drunk, damn) and I point him in the right direction.
I leave, and sucker that I am, figure this poor dumb bastard is going to freeze to death in some snow drift, he looked pretty bad when I saw him. So I turn around, drive an extra two blocks looking for this dude (who had wandered down some random side street), and pick his drunk ass up. I was going to take him to the grocery store so he could warm up and I could look for a cop but we find Purdue street on the way and I drop him off at his house. At least he wasn't driving, though he was hardly dressed to be walking around in this weather.
I then make the trek to BCB only to find that they just closed. WTF? Seems they are closing early due to the shitty roads and possibility of snow. Fuckers.
On to Chipotle I go, only to find they are closed too. Taco Bell it is. I get home with the food, and find that everything has some strange refrigerator odor type taste. All of it tastes like total fucking shit. Son of a bitch. I had imagined Big City Burrito, and it has come to this? Fuck.
I sit here now, enjoying a can of Campbell's Chicken and Dumplings soup. My wife made a Bologna sandwich...