Quoted: Gas prices are high for one reason. CEO's of Oil companies have finally found the right excuse to jack up the prices and increase their profits.
Do not be fooled. The oil companies have been talking about $3/gallon gas for a long time now. But they have been hampered by the fact that consumers would have to have a reason to pay that much and keep their mouths shut about it. Well, the "oil crisis" with oil at $67/barrel and the two hurricanes have provided them with their smoke screen.
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Rolling eyes dont negate the fact that the Department of Energy noticed price gouging (for no reason) and flat-out asked the US Gas Companies why they were raising the prices, when oil prices remained the same......
the answer? .... "In anticipation of a shortage caused by the Iraqi war."
There you have it. The DOE asked a straight question, and got a straight answer. The gas prices have been going up steadily for a couple of years
FOR NO REASON AT ALLNow hurricane Katrina hits.... of course the gas prices would climb a little bit, and then recede.... But they climbed a little bit from the unjustifiable high prices, and then went back down to those unjustifiably high prices.
Gas should be around $1.50 a gallon, instead it's $3.35
OPEC isnt to blame. US Gas companies are to blame, and more importantly, the US Government for it's complicit allowance of blatant price-gouging. It is not supply and demand. It is not capitalism. It is extortion.
The British used to do that to us, too....