I don't believe in solving problems by throwin money at them. I think political correct people are not solving problems but part of the problem and creating more! I believe I just pooped my pants! I believe in less government and more state control! I believe people should take personal responsibility. I believe all the telletubbies is queer, not just the purple one! I believe in the right to bear arms! Not only against scumbag criminals, but also against a tyrannical government! I believe my speling sucks! I believe Mary-Ann was a better piece of ass than Ginger! I believe that we are gradually losing personal freedoms and that if this trend continues, we will be living in a world of corporate socialism! I believe in a strong military, the Dukes Of Hazzards, and that chicken fried steak and gravy taste better than a cheerleader on game day! (I apologize) I believe the media stirs the fires of racism for ratings, and that they have sold there soul and this country out for their own gain! I believe Jesse Jackson, janet reno, Ted Turner, and the New Hollywood squares are all spawned from the devil himself! (Notice Janet Reno doesn't even deserve capital letters) I believe in free speech, especially 900 numbers!
My fellow Americans, remember, the more we become dependent on government as mommy and daddy, the more government has you under their authority just like mommy and daddy! I believe in America, and I believe in the people that live in it, and I believe if you don't like my site, than you're a commie and you need to get your fat ass off it!!
That's my story and my beliefs. I'm not racist, I'm not hateful, and I'm not homophobic! I'm just a concerned commentator wondering what happened to the free America that my forefathers fought and died for! Git-R-Done and GOD BLESS MY FANS AND THIS COUNTRY!!
Larry The Cable Guy