We stayed up late tonight, talking, laughing and watching movies on the DVD player. He was somewhat nervous on the outside, well, then again, I was nervous too on his behalf in the event that he wasn't nervous enough.
At about ten minutes after three AM, his recruiter arrived to take him to MEPS for a spot check and travel voucher. He got a hug from his mom and I while he told us "See you in 10 weeks", hoping that he would have Christmas leave after BCT. I don't know why I am full of anxiety about this, when I went through BCT, it wasn't "fun" all the time, but parts of it I enjoyed, of course, I enjoyed going home the most.
I watched the car drive down the road as the tail lights got smaller in the distance until they disappeared. I muttered "Bye Chris". It was much like this for me some 21 years ago.
See ya in 10 weeks, son...
*** UPDATE ***
The Recruiter returned him home this afternoon as his paperwork was all screwed up, his next shipdate is November 8. He's rather down about it. Talk about a SNAFU. Oh well, we get to enjoy having him around for nearly another month.