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Posted: 11/1/2006 8:46:26 PM EDT
While shooting during my yearly birthday shoot, I finally was able to find an answer to the .45 ACP vs 9mm Parabellum debate.  The following are photos taken of the final jug to be shot with my 1911 before I put it away.  I was shooting Remington 230grn FMJ stuff.  This jug(empty mind you) was shot from about 15 meters when this occured:

And after I removed it:

Would someone like to rationalize to me how this happened?  My 2nd time ever shooting a .45, and the first time shooting my own 1911.  Has me thinking I will continue to carry my 9mm.

I had no such problems with my USP shooting 115grn Winchester White Box FMJ.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:50:35 PM EDT
heres what happened:

the bullet transfered most of its energy into motion, since that jug probably weights about an oz.

45 is a better man stopper than 9mm hands down, but when youve got to carry something, the added capacity of 9mm, with the small trade off of power is defiently worth it.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:54:13 PM EDT
How far did the empty jug fly?

I can see this happening if the material was light enough to be moved, yet strong enough to a) absorb the impact and b) retian the bullet. This is assuming the jug was sent flying.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:56:13 PM EDT
".45 vs 9mm debate put to rest"

You are joking right
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:56:18 PM EDT
Yup you must of limp wristed it!
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:56:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:59:23 PM EDT
And an empty jug is a good representation of flesh/tissue how?

Oh. That's right. It isn't. Because humans/animals aren't made out of thin layers of plastic surrounding masses of air.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:01:31 PM EDT
last time I got shot with a 45 it felt like a mosquito bite...
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:02:59 PM EDT
I've never met an empty plastic jug that my .45apc couldn't kill.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:03:32 PM EDT

last time I got shot with a 45 it felt like a mosquito bite...

I didn't even know somebody had shot me until somebody told me they saw him do it.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:04:36 PM EDT
Bullets are unpredictable and do weird things. I've seen some voodoo-shit with lots of calibers.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:05:03 PM EDT

".45 vs 9mm debate put to rest"

You are joking right

Yes, I was very much joking.  And the bottle flew quite a ways.  There was one other bottle that went flying that retained a round inside it.  I figure it punctured and then spun around inside while the bottle flew.

And for those taking it too serious...this thread is mostly a joke, just thought I'd put some nice pics up of bullet proof bottles.

Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:05:25 PM EDT
All I know is nobody ever died from 9mm...no wait.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:09:14 PM EDT
Yep, that settles that
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:11:01 PM EDT
Now we know that if someone is shooting a .45 at ya,  just quick grab a milk jug and hold it in front of ya.  Wheew! , close call.  Glad I had a milk jug and the guy wasn't using a 9mikemike, could have been killt!1!  
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:13:55 PM EDT
I just filed a patent for a new lightweight body armor design.  
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 9:15:56 PM EDT

I just filed a patent for a new lightweight body armor design.  

 That was my yougest (17 years old) brothers first brainiac idea when he witnessed it. I had to explain to him why it would never work.

Link Posted: 11/2/2006 8:47:43 AM EDT
Well that milk jug does it.  I guess I have four 45s I need to put on the EE if anyone would have such a weak, unproven POS caliber.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 8:49:48 AM EDT
Dumbest ballistics related thread ever.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 8:54:16 AM EDT
The .45 is awful.

Everyone: Send your .45s to me for proper disposal....
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:02:23 AM EDT
Come on now.  The post was a joke ... get it?  A Joke!

We all know the 9 mm wouldn't even have dented the jug.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:24:33 AM EDT

Because the .45 is a wimpy caliber and those that carry it are girls.
Yep real men carry a deagle 50 AE with da beamz.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:25:19 AM EDT
It should be obvious in the well focused last picture. The bullet is significantly deformed.  It hit something else first then ricocheted into the jug and got stuck.

You hit the ground before you hit the jug!  You MISSED the jug from 15 meters away!!!

Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:27:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:29:10 AM EDT

Dumbest ballistics related thread ever.

and as such, it is posted in the GD and not in the ammo fourm.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:31:02 AM EDT


last time I got shot with a 45 it felt like a mosquito bite...

I didn't even know somebody had shot me until somebody told me they saw him do it.

I think the OP should stand stand in place of the plastic jug for the next test...then post pics
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:31:14 AM EDT

It should be obvious in the well focused last picture. The bullet is significantly deformed.  It hit something else first then ricocheted into the jug and got stuck.

You hit the ground before you hit the jug!  You MISSED the jug from 15 meters away!!!


OUCH, That's got to hurt.  

Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:37:50 AM EDT
Won't somebody please think of the milk jugs.

Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:39:57 AM EDT

Because the .45 is a wimpy caliber and those that carry it are girls.

ding because everyone knows the real man's caliber is 10 mm automatic.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:41:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:43:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:48:07 AM EDT
I thought the 45/9mm debate was on Tuesday or Wednesday...Its Thursday
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:50:53 AM EDT

I thought the 45/9mm debate was on Tuesday or Wednesday...Its Thursday
9mm Monday
WSSM Wednesday
Thirty-Eight Thursday
Forty-Five Friday
Scatter-Gun Saturday (Scatterday for the old-timers)
Git Some Sunday (All calibers)
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:51:11 AM EDT
You blinded me with ... "science".  
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 9:52:56 AM EDT

Dumbest ballistics related thread ever.

I would have to agree with that.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:04:24 AM EDT

Now we know that if someone is shooting a .45 at ya,  just quick grab a milk jug and hold it in front of ya.  Wheew! , close call.  Glad I had a milk jug and the guy wasn't using a 9mikemike, could have been killt!1!  

Make sure the jug is filled with bread.  That'll stop anything.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:17:31 AM EDT


".45 vs 9mm debate put to rest"

You are joking right

Yes, I was very much joking.  And the bottle flew quite a ways.  There was one other bottle that went flying that retained a round inside it.  I figure it punctured and then spun around inside while the bottle flew.

And for those taking it too serious...this thread is mostly a joke, just thought I'd put some nice pics up of bullet proof bottles.


irony is totally lost on this crowd
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:24:05 AM EDT
I believe it is not what you shoot,  but how well you shoot it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:27:46 AM EDT
Since nobody mentioned it, HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY!!!
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:28:47 AM EDT

Come on now.  The post was a joke ... get it?  A Joke!

We all know the 9 mm wouldn't even have dented the jug.

9mm would have bounced off, hit the shooter and given him a bad boo-boo.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:33:57 AM EDT

Well that milk jug does it.  I guess I have four 45s I need to put on the EE if anyone would have such a weak, unproven POS caliber.

I'll give you $50 for each of them.

Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:42:07 AM EDT
That is some awesome plastic in that jug.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 10:45:20 AM EDT
.45?  Sounds like a beer to me.  9mm?  Have you ever seen a millimeter?  Tiny.  9 of them isn't much bigger.  My duce-duce could take down a grizzly no problem.

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