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Posted: 10/12/2005 6:05:12 AM EDT
There you are watching TV and all of your numbers come up. You are now a rich man. Now what do you do? |
hookers and blow-
no I would get my bills paid. Buy a house. a fast ass car(cant decide right now maybe a lingenwhatever corvette or a hennessey viper) a ring for my girl, ad a few firearms to my collection all my direct family would be set up to retire, and then invest the rest. I would also donate some to cancer research or something of that sort. |
1. Eat three cans of corn and a few handfuls of peanuts.
2. Go to work the next day, dump a dookie on the boss's desk. 3. Call an attorney. 4. Pay off everything I owe, put enough into a low risk investment so that I will never have to work again from the interest paid on that, and invest the rest in riskier, lucrative investments. |
Along those lines except pick up my girlfriend and my closest friends and buy those 9000 acres in Montana I saw for sale for 4,250,000 Oh lots of guns, lots of them. And ammo, ammo, ammo..... |
Pay bills
Consult an attorney Start buying land to build the firearms school I want to start up. |
Order one of these in woodland marpat. |
Guns. Lots of guns. Invest the rest and tell the world to kiss my arse... |
+1 Only I'd be disappearing into the "Macman37 Remote Compound O' Fun" |
Split it after taxes.
Keep half. Donate other half to getting unconstitutional gun laws repealed. '86, CGA 68, NFA, et al. Will it work? probably not. But it's a darn good start. |
Hire a secretary from a temp agency. Her duty of the day would be to call my (former) place of employment and inform them that she is Mr. Winmag's personal secretary and is calling them to let them know he will not be coming in to work anymore.
Oh, and as far as taping what they say goes, I could care less. I would be on the way to the airport thinking about warm beaches and tasty brews. |
Tempting. It would give you the means to really do that. Cash only....hmmmm. |
hire attorney and accountant.
give half after taxes away. buy or start a buisness. get to work providing quality products and services, provide jobs. enjoy fruits of labor. can't wait to get started. |
Pay off bills.
Buy enough land in AZ that I can shoot on my own property and build a house(not a mansion, just a normal size house, on the grid but still self-sufficient) with walk-in gun safe of course. Probably buy a truck and another car, although I'd still drive the TDI most of the time I think. Quit my job of course. I'd at least pay my parents back for my college years, and start an education fund for my niece and nephew. Take one trip to Alaska and one trip to Germany. Invest the rest and live off the interest. Oh, and probably buy an airplane and get my Private and Instrument ratings. Airplane would maybe be hangared on my property, depending if I had a flat enough plat for a runway. |
+.9bar get it all squared away, spil into the accounts needed, growth accounts, insured accounts, and a good hunk in a non-electronic comodity like gold. Get the taxes calulated so you know how much you truly have to spend. Then... 2 chick at the same time Uzi M-60 60" Plazma TV House. bla bla bla |
1) Not tell anyone. 2) Call tax attorney. 3) Pay of my bills and family's bills. 4) Private island 5) Mansion, marina, big shooting range. 6) Lots of class III, or just regular MGs if my island is outside the US. 7) High class hookers by the truckload. |
call a bunch of tax lawyers, sell the ticket for one dollar to a new corporation based in a sate with no income tax that i am the sole proprieter off...
claim it privately, invest... get laid alot ... take over world |
Have my phone number changed, and take a looooooooooooooong trip.
AB |
Call a great lawyer to net me the most dough.
Then pay off my parent's house. Then buy a house for a friend of mine (has a kid... turned out not to be his but he works his ass of for her anyway). Buy up ALL the property around my parent's house. Then I'd begin the paperwork to become and type 2 FFL. Have a storefront, hours, etc. as legally required. THEN it is machinegun time! Screw you and your $15k M16s and screw CT and their "no selective fire" nonesense. I want me all the latest greatest toys. After all that is done... I'd build a castle on my property, wear a full suit of armor and prance around the woods singing... with a machinegun. Who are you to judge? I'm rich! - BG |
I didn't win it, you can't prove I did, and whoever told you I did is a liar.
BTW: Mind if I park my new boats in your driveway for a few days? My yard is full. |
1. tax attorney & accountant on retainer
2. pay off my bills and house 3. set up my immediate family and the guy who works for me to be very comfortable 4. build a new fire house for my vollie dept. and stock it with new equiptment 5. buy a large amount of secluded property some wooded, some grassland for my own private hunting ground, and build the biggest damn log cabin you'll never see 6. finally build the chopper i've been saving for 7. My cigar collection would significantly improve in quality. no more JR Alts to anything. |
I'd buy a mile of Lake Huron of Lake Superior frontage put modest (3500-4000 sq. ft.) house on it with a big pole barn for all the projects I've always wanted to do. (Wooden sailboat, kit plane, etc.) It would have a 1000 yard range that would double as my private airstrip. I would go fishing in Canada in the summer, hunting in Alaska in the fall, and shoot machinguns in the desert of AZ in the winter. Oh yeah... I'd hire beautiful native girls (over 18) to wash the royal unit .
ETA: I'd set up my family and friends to be debt free and have something for retirement and a little fun. And of course they would join me for adventure around the world. Better win $400 million. Kent |
Quit my job...but with thanks. Settle all debts and bills. (Very few of them, fortunately)
Buy a nice house. Nothing too extravagant, but nice. Custom built with a home theater designed in association with Theodore Kalamirakis & Associates, one of the premiere home theater designers in the world. Buy a new F-16 from Lockheed, in a civilian legal configuration. (No weapons systems) Contract for full support services for it, and buy full training for it so that I'm qualified and have my LOA for the type by the date of delivery. Solve my woman simply BUYING her. "Here's a nice little 10,000 dollar a month allowance. Go nuts with it, but you've got to come home to me if you want to keep earning this allowance." Screw it. Make it 25K a month. But for that price, if I blow my nose, she wipes it...and for that price, if I don't like her tattoo(s) or piercings, she gets rid of them. Finance some foreign laboratories that are going heavy into stem cell and cloning research. Use that to MY personal advantage. Buy some casinos in Vegas and make even more money. Might as well buy some Nevada brothels as well. But make them a bit talent at reduced ordinary guys can enjoy what they can't afford! CJ |
Free Canada from it's oppressive socialist overlords and declare it "Arfkanada."
I already told my wife that if we win a big lottery, I am going to fulfill a childhood dream:
You know how they always interview the winner on local TV and they ask what the winners are going to do with the money? Invariably they say something stupid like, "Oh, I guess I'll keep working as a janitor at McDonalds. It won't change me." Not me. Ever since I was 8, I wanted to say, "With all that money, I'm going to buy a new ass. Mine's got a crack in it." Wife: "You will not say that." Me: "Odds aside, I most certainly will." Watch for me. |
real estate development. shooting and survival based planned community. lots of corporation owned class three items.
1) Call tax attorney
2) Call accountant 3) Buy a bug chunk of land in the rich part of town and build an exact 1:1 replica of the White House. Buy a decommed 747 and paint it to look like AF1 and call it Air Force E (First letter of my name) |
LoL I would quit my job in a heartbeart . . . call a good lwayer I would only "blow" Through about 10 million or so - I would give atleast 10 mil to my family - 1 mill to my closest friend I would set back atleast 50 to 100 million (live off the interest) GUNS GUNS GUNS CARS CARS CARS And a BIG ASSSSSS home theater system - HELL YEAH - New house - I would get my Fiance' anything she wanted . . . Start making babies i guess . . . who knows |
$150mil in the money market and live off the interest.
$50mil to the NRA for the express purpose of getting the '86 MG ban overturned. Kharn |
+1 |
I'd get a tax attorney. Open mucho bank accounts spreading the money out. Then go right on ahead with my plans for my life now. A new truck, and a lot of time, hunting, fishing, camping, f$%king, blowing shit up, and shooting random moving things in the couple of hundred acres I buy out west of here. |
200 mil wont buy Canada. You might be able to buy a small town in the South like Kim Bassinger did years ago. |
Whatever the fuck I want... But, first I'm calling my FinAdvisor and a lawyer... Then, after I take the lump sum, put it where my F/A says. I'm putting 100k in my checking account and I am going to disappear for 6mo and I'm not telling anyone where I am. I will stay in contact via e-mail... Phone, but I will quickly leave where I am after the call. I don't want people bugging me for money. |
Probably have a heart attack and die before I could tell anyone.
Oh yea... I'd take a million of it and make people do really fucked up shit for money. I mean really, really depraved stuff.
I guess I will get moved from the "crazy" list to the "eccentric" list.
Sure it will!! You forgot the exchange rate. That's like eleventy billion up there. |
which proves that if you have enought money, you are no longer crazy, but rather eccentric. |
buy a new truck, house, motorcycles, guns, lots of property, an RV, and everything else i have always wanted. give some to parents, sister. invest the rest.
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