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Posted: 5/4/2004 11:21:57 AM EDT
we could have a Presidential election where we could actually get excited about one of the candidates?

Instead of one where we were just picking the lesser of two assholes?

When was the last time you actually felt good about someone you were voting for?

I can't honestly say I've ever felt like a candidiate for president really gave a crap about me or what I really believe in! Its always been the lessor of two evils.

That's so depressing!

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 3:18:49 PM EDT

we could have a Presidential election where we could actually get excited about one of the candidates?

Instead of one where we were just picking the lesser of two assholes?

When was the last time you actually felt good about someone you were voting for?

I can't honestly say I've ever felt like a candidiate for president really gave a crap about me or what I really believe in! Its always been the lessor of two evils.

That's so depressing!

It's depressing you feel that way, but don't assume everyone shares your opinion.  I was VERY excited to vote for Ronald Reagan in 84, and I am excited to vote for George W Bush in 04.  
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 3:27:27 PM EDT
i am more than happy to vote bush in 04
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:01:19 PM EDT
As am I.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:03:16 PM EDT
Bush is the first president I've ever liked.  I'm pleased as punch to be vting for him.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:11:46 PM EDT
i'm extremely excited about helping President Bush win his 2nd term  
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:14:49 PM EDT
Princeton, if the thought of mass suicides on DU after Bush is re-elected doesn't excite you, I don't know what will.  Four more years!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:20:47 PM EDT

Princeton, if the thought of mass suicides on DU after Bush is re-elected doesn't excite you, I don't know what will.  Four more years!

A:One can only hope about the mass suicides on the part of the DU.
B:George is my guy.
C:Lesser of two eviels?WTF?
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:27:17 PM EDT

Princeton, if the thought of mass suicides on DU after Bush is re-elected doesn't excite you, I don't know what will.  Four more years!

I guess there is a rey of sunshine after all.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 4:29:27 PM EDT
I would be fine if the DU loonies just move to Quebec or France, or Iran.

BTW, Princeton, I agree with you. I will be holding my nose when I vote. GWB want the AWB to come back, anyone remember that?
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:09:46 PM EDT
I've got to say,  it was exciting voting for Reagan for his second term, which was the first Presidential election I voted in.     I must have been...what...it was '84, so I was 19.  

We haven't had a Presidential candidate since Reagan who projected such a powerful and positive image.  Bush I was close,  but couldn't match Reagan's charisma.

I certainly agree that it sucks that the best we have available to vote for this time around is a less than optimal...VERY less than optimal... choice.

Bush is the lesser of two evils, and I'm going to vote for him in order to help ensure that Kerry doesn't win, no matter what happens.    Kerry is utterly evil.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:15:48 PM EDT

Bush is the first president I've ever liked.  I'm pleased as punch to be vting for him.

My first president I liked was Ronald Reagan and he initialy taught me about conservatism and to him I owe my political beliefs.  I was in the Corps when he was president and it was a proud time in my life.  Although I don't agree with some of GW's beliefs and principals, he will receive my vote.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:20:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:26:54 PM EDT
I'm about 70% happy with Bush. That's enough to make me vote for him. I'm shocked at the umber of folks here who seem to think he's across-the-board great.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:30:38 PM EDT
I wish I had been old enough to vote for Reagan.  I would have felt good about that vote.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:34:23 PM EDT
f your not excited to finally have a MORAL person like George W. Bush in office then there is something wrong with you.

He will take 45 states in November.

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:36:17 PM EDT
I don't plan on voting for GWB, and I'll be damned if i vote for Kerry.  Maybe a third party candidate?  Any suggestions?
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:37:14 PM EDT


BTW, Princeton, I agree with you. I will be holding my nose when I vote. GWB want the AWB to come back, anyone remember that?

Yeah, what Bush said was: I If it passes my desk I will sign it.

You need to learn a few things about politics sonny.  The key word is "IF"

Link Posted: 5/4/2004 7:38:55 PM EDT
We always need a little Providence, no matter who is elected.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:03:33 PM EDT

I don't plan on voting for GWB, and I'll be damned if i vote for Kerry.  Maybe a third party candidate?  Any suggestions?

Uhhhhh, wake up!!!!!! No third party will win, so any vote taken from Bush is a vote for Kerry. Hop off that fence, and make sure you hop to the right!!!!
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:05:10 PM EDT
one problem - the fucking liberals are always excited about their candidate who "can do no wrong", whatever candidate that may be...at least we know and admit when Bush does wrong...
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 8:57:12 PM EDT
I miss the days when you expected a candidate to be sincere in his promises, and were held to task if they fell short. I miss the days when lack of morals and integrity were frowned upon and would be certain death for a campaign, now a days they hire spin doctors to rewrite events, they payoff potential witnesses, or flat out lie. I miss the days when the office of the Presidency was revered instead of treated like a door prize to be used for the persuit of personal gain.
I miss the days when the Onval Office was a place where history was made, instead of a place to finger bang some lose intern SLUT after she takes oral 'dictation' .

I miss the days when any of the indiscretions mentioned above would be a sure ticket to impeachment, loss of Office and a life time of disgrace.

Today all those things bring cheers from slimy liberal hippies who would just as soon wipe their asses with the American flag than pledge alegiance to it.
I fear the great Republic that is  America is short lived and fading fast, God Bless America, may she rest in peace.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 2:11:27 AM EDT
Now, if I could just figure out who is the lesser of two assholes.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 2:18:00 AM EDT
As much as I like GWB as a moral person, he still believes .gov is the answer to most things.
Reagan did not.  I was not old enough to vote for the big R but he was the last TRUE Conservative we have had in the Office of the President since Teddy Roosevelt.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 2:28:20 AM EDT

we could have a Presidential election where we could actually get excited about one of the candidates?
Instead of one where we were just picking the lesser of two assholes?
When was the last time you actually felt good about someone you were voting for?
I can't honestly say I've ever felt like a candidiate for president really gave a crap about me or what I really believe in! Its always been the lessor of two evils.
That's so depressing!

Yes, it is. I pretty much feel as you do.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 2:38:33 AM EDT
Kerry = incompetant communist.

Bush = prudent, bullheaded leader with religious fixation.

For a libertarian, it's an easy choice but not a happy one. I'll vote Bush but he tacitly supports the 2nd amendment, pisses on the first and fourth. Ugh.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 4:18:20 AM EDT
At the beginning of the season I was all set to vote for anyone BUT Bush. I was figuring that anyone would be preferable to Bush screwing up the economy even more. Then good ole John Kerry starting talking. The more I hear from that dumb ass, the less I like him. The more I hear about his "solutions" the less reasonable they sound. I get the impression this ass clown is just telling me what I want to hear. So now, I'm thinking that letting Bush take us all for another 4 year ride through the toilet is preferable to Mr. Kerry taking us God knows where!

At least we know what Bush is going to "fix" and what he's going to ignore. He may sound like an idiot some times, but at least he takes a stand on things. Right or wrong he takes a stand. Kerry rides the fence. I hate fence sitters. Can anyone tell me how the hell you vote for something, then turn around and vote against the same damn thing?! Besides pandering to whomever has the majority at the time, I can't see any reason.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 4:50:54 AM EDT
I absolutely cannot wait to vote for GWB.  And I will stay up all night waiting for the returns to come in so I can watch Kerry get his ass handed to him.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:19:25 AM EDT
I personally feel that the only reason GB narrowly won his first term was because he was a better option than Gore.

If GB wins a second term it will only be because he's a better option than Kerry.

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:21:14 AM EDT

I personally feel that the only reason GB narrowly won his first term was because he was a better option than Gore.

If GB wins a second term it will only be because he's a better option than Kerry.

I was excited about voting for him the first time. He dissappointed me on some levels, specifically, the patriot act and his immigration stance. Other than that, he is an excellent leader.
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