I miss the days when you expected a candidate to be sincere in his promises, and were held to task if they fell short. I miss the days when lack of morals and integrity were frowned upon and would be certain death for a campaign, now a days they hire spin doctors to rewrite events, they payoff potential witnesses, or flat out lie. I miss the days when the office of the Presidency was revered instead of treated like a door prize to be used for the persuit of personal gain.
I miss the days when the Onval Office was a place where history was made, instead of a place to finger bang some lose intern SLUT after she takes oral 'dictation' .
I miss the days when any of the indiscretions mentioned above would be a sure ticket to impeachment, loss of Office and a life time of disgrace.
Today all those things bring cheers from slimy liberal hippies who would just as soon wipe their asses with the American flag than pledge alegiance to it.
I fear the great Republic that is America is short lived and fading fast, God Bless America, may she rest in peace.