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Posted: 5/10/2004 3:43:21 PM EDT

The post on Hitlery finally made me post this topic which I have been avoiding for a while now.
How come with all the wackos, extremist, & religious fanatics in America, so few assassinations have taken place?
I thought for sure someone would off Bill Clinton in his second term, & one nut with the small plane tried, but was not successful. With the availability of weapons, & access of the public to the powers that be, why haven't there been more attempts than there have been?
I would have thought it would be apparent to us, that our borders are wide open, & inviting to terrorist. And would be more prepaired for a terrorist attack to happen. I just trusted the powers that be to know, what I could imagine , & be well prepared for such a thing.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:48:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:49:13 PM EDT


I would have thought it would be apparent to us that are boarders are wide open & just waiting for a terrorist attack to happen.

What does some of us being boarders have to do with it?
Why would something be more apparent to someone who pays room and board?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:57:56 PM EDT
Yes I mean assassinations, I hit the wrong button on spell check & didn't notice.

Sorry tc6969, I meant our borders.

I will fix it!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:59:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:07:10 PM EDT
political ass. in this country is pretty much worthless. individual congress varmints are not worth much and taking out the president gets you a vice president that is just as useless. unlike a dictatorship our form of gov is not dependant on one individual.. Take Kennedy for example. When he was killed how much REAL change occured due to his loss?

With todays technology is certain the assasin will be caught and probobly quickly.

A shooter today would have to be a foreign terrorist or a nutcase.

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:25:07 PM EDT
Just kidding Searcher!

I couldnt resist!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:43:02 PM EDT
it's all the gun control.  see? it's working  

(yeah that was weak, sorry)
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:48:57 PM EDT
Even if you wanted to and *could* potentially pull it off, you'd most likely get caught.  The amount of people who actually, truly want to kill the president is probably really, really low.  Then the percentage of those who actually are sane enough to come up with a plan and have the skill to pull it off is even lower.  Then the percentage of those who are willing to carry it out and are willing to get caught is even lower.  

Oh edited to add - Then there are the "armchair commando" assassins who emtpy an SKS (or was it an AK?) at the Whitehouse from the sidewalk.... as he was shooting probably wondering "I'm shooting from the hip!! When am I gonna hit the president??"
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:05:26 PM EDT
Should one ever actually feel modivated, sane, and skilled enough for such a thing, my best bet, is that it would involve LONG ranges as SS sniper teams are basically everywhere when the pres. is in town, and in a very covert way (might I mention the use of a good long range cart. probably a popular or even magnum hunting/anti-materiel caliber ([possibly].308, .300WMG, .338LP, .408, .50BMG, etc).
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:11:28 PM EDT
I'm thinking if this were to happen, it'd be via a suicide bomber during a public gathering where the intended target (whoever it may be) moved towards a stage or podium. Large crowds can pose a real danger to SS agents and it would severely limit crowd control capabilities for the SS.


Any or all of the above would be nice!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:38:27 PM EDT
I agree that if someone were to try, it would be costly to them. But with all the nut jobs out there killing for one belief or another, I'm just surprised it doesn't happen more often.
Like the folks who kill abortion doctors because they kill.

I would suppose if they were nutty enough to try, then they wouldn't care if thier own life was forfieght for the cause. I remember on the history channel about a nut job lady who almost killed president Gerald Ford.

I wouldn't be upset if they got rid of some of the luny democrats, but I would be if they went after repubicans.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:48:30 PM EDT
Bush was outside shaking hands in Ohio a few days ago wasn't he?

Someone could have crashed an airplane into him.  

Of course I'm sure there was a temp no-fly zone over his location, and if the SS guys got reports from the FFA of a plane in the area he would have been shuttled inside a building (he was close to lots of buildings).  At least, I hope they had a plan like that thought out.  After 9-11, surely they would have.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:03:08 PM EDT
Unfortunately, I have to be the first to ask you where you heard about all of these "wackos, extremist, & religious fanatics?"  From the media?  Sounds like it to me.

Just because the media says they exist, do you believe them?  Hey, its thundering outside right now...


Get my point?

But yes, there are people ON BOTH POLITICAL FRONTS whom are far enough to their respective ends that it is surprising that no politicians like Feinswein, Shmucker, Hitlery and Klinton weren't off'd.  I guess it comes down to why we have gone downhill as a country....


People are happy with their lives, why upheave everything over *GASP* P O L I T I C S????  They're happier sucking down fat free Haagen Das coffee ice cream while watching the socially degenerate "Will and Grace", than going down and killing a politician over his political views.  Not to mention, most people have a healthy fear of hell, karma and jou jou.

People are people, why ask why?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:10:43 PM EDT

t is just as useless. unlike a dictatorship our form of gov is not dependant on one individual.. Take Kennedy for example. When he was killed how much REAL change occured due to his loss?


  GCA of 68 passed  becouse of both kennedys and MLK jr's assainations IMHO
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:17:24 PM EDT
if someone offed an anti-gun politician, there would probably be a memorial gun ban.  so I propose that the next attempt should be with a wooden kitchen spoon.  ban that!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 11:57:05 AM EDT

Unfortunately, I have to be the first to ask you where you heard about all of these "wackos, extremist, & religious fanatics?"  From the media?  Sounds like it to me.

Just because the media says they exist, do you believe them?  Hey, its thundering outside right now...


Get my point?

But yes, there are people ON BOTH POLITICAL FRONTS whom are far enough to their respective ends that it is surprising that no politicians like Feinswein, Shmucker, Hitlery and Klinton weren't off'd.  I guess it comes down to why we have gone downhill as a country....


People are happy with their lives, why upheave everything over *GASP* P O L I T I C S????  They're happier sucking down fat free Haagen Das coffee ice cream while watching the socially degenerate "Will and Grace", than going down and killing a politician over his political views.  Not to mention, most people have a healthy fear of hell, karma and jou jou.

People are people, why ask why?

I think it's common knowledge that there are folks dropping pipe bombs off at olympic games, sending them in the mail, & other folks shooting/blowing up abortion doctors. Many many other cooks on the lamb from mental instatutions because their insurance ran out & then the common garden varity cook like the guy who shot John Lennon, & President Regan based on wanting historical fame or a date with a star. Hinckly came darn close to killing one of the best if not the best president we ever had, & he used a .22. If he would have had a 12.ga shotty sawed off, or a sawed off .223 in his coat he might have done it.
I guess it really comes down to good security, & living in a country where there really aren't many cooks like the media says.

No Balzac 72, I don't believe much of what the media says, but some of it is true. Even a broke clock is right twice a day, & they will hit on the truth if evan by accident once in a while.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 12:19:35 PM EDT

I think it's common knowledge that there are folks dropping pipe bombs off at olympic games, sending them in the mail, & other folks shooting/blowing up abortion doctors. Many many other cooks on the lamb from mental instatutions because their insurance ran out & then the common garden varity cook like the guy who shot John Lennon, & President Regan based on wanting historical fame or a date with a star. Hinckly came darn close to killing one of the best if not the best president we ever had, & he used a .22. If he would have had a 12.ga shotty sawed off, or a sawed off .223 in his coat he might have done it.
I guess it really comes down to good security, & living in a country where there really aren't many cooks like the media says.

I hope you mean either "kooks"   or "cocks"    I'm thinking the first one, but i guess the second one can apply also.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 12:20:54 PM EDT

...cooks on the lamb...

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 12:21:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 12:33:25 PM EDT

I meant kooks, nut jobs, freakazoids, mentally ill, twisted, perverted, homicidal maniacs! You spelling Nazis are so cruel.
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