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Posted: 12/30/2006 12:32:03 AM EDT

    Just a thought:

    Now that Saddam is taking a dirt nap. We should get a good idea who the insurgents really are. If they are being funded by Saddam's former loyalists. Things should really kick into high gear. Explosions, kidnappings etc on a grander scale.

    If the insurgents are just Johnny Jihads from neighboring countrys that want to fight the white devil. I don't think we will really see an escalation.

Link Posted: 12/30/2006 12:42:03 AM EDT


Just a thought:

Now that Saddam is taking a dirt nap. We should get a good idea who the insurgents really are. If they are being funded by Saddam's former loyalists. Things should really kick into high gear. Explosions, kidnappings etc on a grander scale.

If the insurgents are just Johnny Jihads from neighboring countrys that want to fight the white devil. I don't think we will really see an escalation.

Well, one thing's for certain, Saddam's death will not affect anything; if at all, the Sunnis will declare Saddam as a Martyr and will do the usual dog & pony show then quiet down; my thing's with Al Sadr and his Mahdi Army; they are the ones that are a thorn on our side; we should be training our guns directly at Sadr City and begin routing out the Mahdi Army; start taking them out in raids and build pressure to get rid of Al Sadr for good.

We also need to start pushing into Al Anbar province and start putting heavy pressure on the insurgents that have taken over that region.

Just my 2/100.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 12:44:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 1:55:38 AM EDT

We also need to start pushing into Al Anbar province and start putting heavy pressure on the insurgents that have taken over that region.

We have Ramadi is tipping and is getting better every day.  Falluja is getting ready to be turned over to the IA.  Things are much improved here.
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