Title says part of it. Background
hereMy wife got crypto from her work as a swimming teacher. She's been out of work for a week, and will be about for another 3. We've also had 2 ER visits, tons of meds, and other expenses. Since it is a waterborne disease, and every local news station as well as County health programs have picked up on this, we're 99.9% possitive this is where she got it from. As it happened at work, and we don't have much $, we felt that it was only fair that the City's workmans comp pick up the bill. My wife reported the incident (the first day she was horribly sick) on the day it happened from the hospital. Our family practice Dr called the CDC, as did the hospital to report it. Lab's haven't come back yet, but the did give my wife a perscription for Flagyl, which is an anti-parisitical drug. Anyway, my wife called her boss to have her start on the papers, and the boss said, "There is no way to confirm that you got it here, so no, we will not do anything. You could have gotten it anywhere, from a dog (we don't have one), or changing your baby's diaper (if my 5 month old had it, she'd be in the ICU, it has a very high mortality rate for kids under 1). Basicly BS'ing her. My wife also said that at least 5 other teachers and lifeguards are also out of work for the exact same thing. We're only out about $200 for medical bills, and another $250 for work, but to us that's a lot of $$. I don't see how her boss can just say, "Well, you can't prove it so F*** off." Is there anything that I/we can do, or are we screwed?