It's been a while, and I thought some newer folks might want (or need) to see this.
From my website:
[i]The following essay was presented on the discussion forum as a response to the question "Why do you need an AK-47?" The person asking the question was a British Subject not familiar with the purpose behind our Second Amendment.
While reading this essay, most folks realize that, throughout the entire writing, you can replace the term "AK-47" with "Assault Rifle," "AR15," "handgun," or even "musket."[/i]
[b]"Why do I NEED an AK-47?"
by Jack 99[/b]
About 230 years ago, some incredibly gifted, wealthy, slave-owning, white guys looked at Western Civilization and undertook what is undoubtedly the most radical, profound political revolution ever conceived. Despite what the history books say, it really wasn't about taxes, or troops in people's homes, or the price of tea or any of that crap. These men were British subjects, but taxes were lower in the colonies than in Britain at the time of the Revolution, there was unprecedented freedom, particularly on the frontier, and these guys were generally the wealthy elite who could have been colonial governors if they had chosen to. They could have afforded to drink tea until they pissed pure caffeine.
Another misconception was that it was a popular revolution. I don't remember who said it, but one of those old dead white guys said that the colonists were divided roughly into thirds: one third loyalist, one third ambivalent, and one third revolutionary (sound familiar?). It took years of coercion and propaganda to motivate the general public to take up arms against the Brits.
What was our Revolution all about then? These guys realized, 2000 miles from their ruling country, that they had an unprecedented opportunity to revolt and form a radical new self-government, where political power was vested in the People themselves, not in a ruling class.
It was an ideological revolution which is still radical today, with the Constitution as the Blueprint for Freedom. In this system, individual liberty is the beginning and end of all government activity. That is to say, government powers are only supposed to extend so far, and only with the permission of the governed. Ideally, where my rights as a citizen begin, the powers of government come to an abrupt halt. Conversely, the primary function of government is to guarantee my liberties, hence the Bill of Rights. So what we have is an incredibly radical new power structure, one not truly duplicated anywhere else in the world.
So how does this explain why I need an AK 47 assault rifle?
What the founding fathers knew, and so many of the "People" have forgotten (or never learned), is that Power is a zero sum game. If I have it, the government doesn't, and vice versa. Even many pro-gunners miss the point and we allow ourselves to be distracted with "rights" issues, that, while they exist, aren't specifically addressed by the Constitution (right to hunt, right to self-defense, etc.)
The Constitution, the Blueprint for Freedom, and the Bill of Rights, the non-expiring guarantee of liberty, are about one thing: Power. So don't get confused by other issues here.
If this is a country where Power is truly vested in the People, and the government is LIMITED by the Constitution, then my ownership of an AK 47 is off limits to the government. The Second Amendment guarantees my Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and the Consti