And yet again it's amazing to see American gun owners spending so much time worrying about what polls in foreign countries think or what they are saying in foreign papers, rather than devoting that effort into writing to their Congressman or Senator…
Hardly an hour goes by since the VA Tech shooting without someone posting the latest 'Oh teh noes! Look what they are saying in Godknowswereistan about guns in the USA' thread
I'm sure your gun grabbers are heartened to see so much wasted energy by US gun owners directed at people who have exactly ZERO effect or input into US laws.
The Gun Grabbers will be rubbing their hands with glee seeing so much energy that should be directed at them being directed at venting at everyman and his dog living outside the USA!
Oh, and by the way, one of the biggest gun grabbing organizations in the UK is funded by it's parent in the US.
Mothers Against Guns [MAG] are the UK branch of the NY initiated gun control group and were formed in 2002. Since its inception, MAG has attracted a large number of supporters, from all walks of life, united in the belief that action needs to be taken to bring about a change to gun laws.
So next time you all climb on those high horses and say 'British Gun Laws suck'… just remember, our gun grabs were funded by US tax payers and supported by activists from the USA.
So get writing to your Congressman, Senator, local paper, TV station, local polls, national polls or anything or anyone else that has an actual input… your gun grabbers are not amatuers, they have trained well in Britain and know how to push the sheeple buttons.
And every post on here directed at anyone but them is only helping them by not attacking them directly on your home turf.
And if you're posting here about all the 'foreigners' but not writing to those who enact US LAWS, well shame on you!