Ever wondered why Germany, an established industrialized country much like the USA still have an export economy similar to AsiaPac countries like Korea? It cannot be artificial wages, nor currency manipulation to the extremes of AsiaPac countries (EU does manipulate it's currency on the free market, but does not tie it to the US dollar).
Well, what can it be then?
Quite simple as this comparison shows:
USA auto import tariffs are 2.5%, while Germany's is 29%.
Hows that for free trading, and some think Trump is crazy for threatening a 35% tariff.
Fact-checking though, Germany's listed official tariff is 10%, but they impose an import VAT on top of that of 19%. We hear constantly from the Bush administrations, and Obama's as well, that USA enjoys a 3% tariff rate for imports into the EU. The trouble is in the fine print which is that's just the average tariff rate of all goods. The ones that contribute to the economy greatly have much higher tariffs. Those administrations don't count the import VAT tax as a tariff, but it is the same.