This spigot in particular.
Attached File
God forbid we angle the relief valve holes, or the actual spigot part down at a slight angle, stupid idiot. I especially like the low profile and sleek design of the relief valve so you don't even see it as part of the unit.
There was one of these things on a building I was working on today, hooked up the hose, turned it on with a church key and did what I needed to do. Went over to shut it off and stood directly in front of it, as one might so inclined to do when turning off a hose spigot, turned the church key to the left and blam, it was like opening a fire hydrant and pointing it at my balls.
This building is on the town water, plenty of pressure there, the splash zone for this thing must be 39 feet.
So to the person that designed this thing when they should have been designing a stand alone dick washing unit for commercial dick wash locations, fuck you in particular, my pants and shirt were soggy for 2 hours.