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Posted: 4/17/2017 5:46:05 PM EDT
This spigot in particular.

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God forbid we angle the relief valve holes, or the actual spigot part down at a slight angle, stupid idiot. I especially like the low profile and sleek design of the relief valve so you don't even see it as part of the unit.

There was one of these things on a building I was working on today, hooked up the hose, turned it on with a church key and did what I needed to do. Went over to shut it off and stood directly in front of it, as one might so inclined to do when turning off a hose spigot, turned the church key to the left and blam, it was like opening a fire hydrant and pointing it at my balls.

This building is on the town water, plenty of pressure there, the splash zone for this thing must be 39 feet.

So to the person that designed this thing when they should have been designing a stand alone dick washing unit for commercial dick wash locations, fuck you in particular, my pants and shirt were soggy for 2 hours.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 5:46:53 PM EDT
Uses a drum key. Jazzy. 
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 5:48:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 5:49:50 PM EDT
You have to be smarter than the plumbing fixture.

Link Posted: 4/17/2017 5:51:31 PM EDT
OP is correct, those are junk.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 5:52:14 PM EDT
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You have to be smarter than the plumbing fixture.

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No I'm doesn't.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 5:58:50 PM EDT
This spigot in particular.


God forbid we angle the relief valve holes, or the actual spigot part down at a slight angle, stupid idiot. I especially like the low profile and sleek design of the relief valve so you don't even see it as part of the unit.

There was one of these things on a building I was working on today, hooked up the hose, turned it on with a church key and did what I needed to do. Went over to shut it off and stood directly in front of it, as one might so inclined to do when turning off a hose spigot, turned the church key to the left and blam, it was like opening a fire hydrant and pointing it at my balls.

This building is on the town water, plenty of pressure there, the splash zone for this thing must be 39 feet.

So to the person that designed this thing when they should have been designing a stand alone dick washing unit for commercial dick wash locations, fuck you in particular, my pants and shirt were soggy for 2 hours.
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But did you die?
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:00:22 PM EDT
That's a hose bib.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:04:49 PM EDT
I'm tempted to send a helper down there to "wash the job" and secretly film them also getting blasted by this thing when they pick up.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:05:13 PM EDT
In my experience the little box in the wall they put these in is filled with angry bees
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:08:22 PM EDT
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In my experience the little box in the wall they put these in is filled with angry bees
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Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:12:13 PM EDT
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OP is correct, those are junk.
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Yup, I've been soaked by those many a time.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 6:14:15 PM EDT
Righty righty lefty loosely.  That are all over the facility I work at.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:14:20 PM EDT
Those are on the outside of our church. My BIL has learned to stand aside of them.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:16:06 PM EDT
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Uses a drum key. Jazzy. 
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That's called a silcock key.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:26:01 PM EDT
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You have to be smarter than the plumbing fixture.

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Came to post this.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:34:59 PM EDT
Most anti siphon valves like that I see are already broken. That one looks like a bitch to repair or replace. On the residential hose bibs, the allen set screw head rusts away, and it is angled so you can't drill it out. Unscrew it and it neatly carves off the threads.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 7:54:31 PM EDT
Our house has some goofy thing attached to all exterior faucets, supposed to keep them from freezing. Problem is any setting other than full open the stupid fitting drips to no end. I removed them all.

Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:21:59 PM EDT
Fess up, OP - a squirrel jumped out at you and you pissed yourself. This is just part of you trying to convince yourself that it didn't really happen that way.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:26:02 PM EDT
Could have taken the sprayer off the end of the hose before closing the valve, nah, too hard. How do backpressure work?
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:28:17 PM EDT

Counterclockwise to close?

Lefty tighty, righty loosey!
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:34:25 PM EDT
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Could have taken the sprayer off the end of the hose before closing the valve, nah, too hard. How do backpressure work?
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That's just an inefficient use of time when you have 150 feet of hose attached and were using it on the other side of the building.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:36:19 PM EDT
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Counterclockwise to close?

Lefty tighty, righty loosey!
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I meant from looking out from the building, like driving a car, you always do your left and right based on the view from the drivers seat. So from inside the office it was a clear left.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:52:27 PM EDT
White collar, FTW?

Link Posted: 4/17/2017 8:54:20 PM EDT
I hate those fucking pieces of dogshit.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 9:22:54 PM EDT
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You have to be smarter than the plumbing fixture.

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Tip don't stand in front
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 11:00:20 PM EDT
LOL.  Sorry OP but BTDT before, once.  (maybe twice, hungover second time)  It was in southern Mississippi in the summer though so I was already soaking wet, actually cooled me off a bit.  I watch out for them now.
Link Posted: 4/17/2017 11:02:44 PM EDT
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That's called a silcock key.
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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 12:35:30 AM EDT
A few posters of the "righty tighty" don't know how those work.  The back pressure valve releases when you turn the valve off.  OP knows how to turn off a hose bib.  

FWIW, I hate those stupid back pressure valves.  The damn things wear out / break and end up leaking when they shouldn't.  Have seen several that had broken and would relieve pressure every time you let off of the trigger on a sprayer.  Honestly, how often did it happen that a town water supply was somehow corrupted because someone left a hose under pressure?
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 1:21:07 AM EDT
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That's called a Wetcock key.
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Link Posted: 4/18/2017 1:24:34 AM EDT
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Our house has some goofy thing attached to all exterior faucets, supposed to keep them from freezing. Problem is any setting other than full open the stupid fitting drips to no end. I removed them all.

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Pull off the hat, reseat oring, replace hat.

Don't even need tools.
Link Posted: 4/18/2017 1:24:55 AM EDT
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