In 1954 we were the only people on the whole block that had a TV,and I would say it had about a 12 inch screen and about a 2X4 frame! We had one because my dad was an OKC firefighter and they had good credit(250.00 a month) with four kids!
We lived on 80 acres and stiched blue jeans into loin clothes and ran around half naked just like indians,never watched anything but Buck Rogers,Dan D Dynamo ,and maybe Red ryder and little beaver!
Then ran out screaming broke the screen door and were out to explore the woods(BB Guns and Bear twenty pound recurves) till our older sisters came into the woods to bring us home!
We would have fires with potatoes wrapped in Oklahoma Red clay bakeing in the coals of camp fires,and my sisters running home telling my mother that we were dancing around the campfire naked!
So there was just not that much TV to be seen,and yes it does make you feel old(comeing off a tangent) So yes Vic Morrow!
Bad planning and just plain bad luck!!!