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Posted: 10/10/2005 8:43:23 PM EDT
and no, I am not going to learn Spanish, despite its "applicability".  I took in High School, and I despise it.  No that's not a racist statement - I just don't like the language.

I was thinking Russian, German, or Polish (my father speaks Polish & a friend speaks Russian), or some Scandanavian language like Norwegian, whatever they speak in Finland, or whatever they speak in Switzerland.  Something like that.  I have considered Dutch as well, supposed to be alot like German.

I am mainly going for something relatively easy to learn.  
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:44:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:47:29 PM EDT

Learn Danish - we'll be ruling the world soon!!     (actually Norwegian is a dialect of Danish, so that's kind of on your list)

More seriously, if I had to learn a language today, I think I'd learn Mandarin or Japanese.  (Problem is that it's damn hard to learn a new language as you get older )
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:50:56 PM EDT
Well, if you don't want to learn Spanish, then any other language will be equal. Spanish is the one to know after English, and possibly Chinese after that.

Sorry, but there it is.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:51:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:52:32 PM EDT



I took it up for a while but it's hard to keep up while going to school.  
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:52:39 PM EDT
Russian is painful.

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:56:32 PM EDT
Arabic is certainly an interesting language.  Plus its high-demand for intelligence jobs, things of that sort.

German has always fascinated me, too.  I'd like it to be my 3rd language.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:56:57 PM EDT


Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:58:41 PM EDT
If you want to be practical about it.... CANTONESE or  MANDARIN.

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:02:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:03:45 PM EDT

and no, I am not going to learn Spanish, despite its "applicability".  I took in High School, and I despise it.  No that's not a racist statement - I just don't like the language.

I was thinking Russian, German, or Polish (my father speaks Polish & a friend speaks Russian), or some Scandanavian language like Norwegian, whatever they speak in Finland, or whatever they speak in Switzerland.  Something like that.  I have considered Dutch as well, supposed to be alot like German.

I am mainly going for something relatively easy to learn.  

Learn Latin.

a) there is little slang.

b) italian, french and spanish are derived from it, so then you could easily know 3 more languages.

c) chicks might dig it. (worked in 'Braveheart', so hey! )

d) you can talk to the Pope one on one.

e) it is a pretty language, unlike the germanic languages.

f) lots of medical terms are in latin, so you can understand doctor speak a bit better.

g) lots of legal terms are in latin, so you can understand lawyer speak a bit better.

h) if you mis-pronounce something, hell fuckup big time, no one will know.

i) You'll be popular in war, esp the religious kind -> "Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius!"


j) And at funerals -> "Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis."

Edit, edit: Anteverius, hey.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:07:54 PM EDT
Thai....beautiful language and the chicks are hot too
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:09:23 PM EDT
If you want it to be easy, then Spanish.  Extremely easy to learn.  

Well... Latin's a good one.  It provides a lot of good insight to our language today.  Plus learning any of the Romance languages, it'll be easy to pick up on the other four.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:11:57 PM EDT


+1 or is that +2 now?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:14:09 PM EDT
If you know people that speak Polish & Russian then either of those will be easier to learn as you can converse with someone. If you want to learn another language that isn't practical (like Spanish is) then how about Gaelic? It's a pretty language and while it's not technically a romance language it has many similarities to Latin (and therefore to romance languages).
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:15:02 PM EDT
Are there any language pairs that are easy to move between?  Like Polish/Russian, Dutch/German, etc?  

For some reason I am drawn to Dutch or Norwegian, though I can't say why.

Hey, Icelandic would be cool, huh!?!?

Or maybe I could just learn Canadian........
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:22:48 PM EDT

Are there any language pairs that are easy to move between?  Like Polish/Russian, Dutch/German, etc?  

For some reason I am drawn to Dutch or Norwegian, though I can't say why.

Don't learn Dutch - the guttural sounds of it makes it difficult for Americans to master (in terms of pronounciation), and it really is just a "simpler" version of German.  If you are interested in Dutch, jsut learn German already, and you'll be able to stumble your way through Dutch without too much effort.

German is a bitch to learn, but there is a certain beauty to the complex grammatical structure and formal High German.

Not sure why you want to learn Norwegian - but if you REALLY are interested in Norwegian, I would seriously actually recommend Danish.  Norwegian and Danish really are extremely close, but since Copenhagen is a much more "central" city in Europe than Oslo and Stockholm, Danish might be slightly more useful than Norwegian.

But let's be serious - not a whole lot of people speak either Danish or Norwegian  

Hey, Icelandic would be cool, huh!?!?

Icelandic would be very cool - since it is very close to the language that the Vikings spoke (which Danish/Norwegian/Swedish have drifted somewhat away from).  
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:25:48 PM EDT

Or maybe I could just learn Canadian........

Lesson 1.

"Or maybe I could just learn Canadian,eh?"

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:26:04 PM EDT

Russian is painful.


Da.  Even though I passed 101 on the first try, half the people in there were retaking it.

I'd learn Mandarin Chinese, myself.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:39:52 PM EDT

Not sure why you want to learn Norwegian - but if you REALLY are interested in Norwegian, I would seriously actually recommend Danish.  Norwegian and Danish really are extremely close, but since Copenhagen is a much more "central" city in Europe than Oslo and Stockholm, Danish might be slightly more useful than Norwegian.

What is Danish like?  Kind of German/Norsk, or what?  

Icelandic would be very cool - since it is very close to the language that the Vikings spoke (which Danish/Norwegian/Swedish have drifted somewhat away from).  

ARRRggggGGHhhHHH!!!!!  VIKINGS!!!!!!!!  Cool!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:51:26 PM EDT


Or maybe I could just learn Canadian........

Lesson 1.

"Or maybe I could just learn Canadian,eh?"

Lesson 2.

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:53:53 PM EDT
I'm learning German at the moment, it's kinda fun. The swiss speak german, as do they Austrians (or so my german textbook tells me).
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:55:52 PM EDT


Not sure why you want to learn Norwegian - but if you REALLY are interested in Norwegian, I would seriously actually recommend Danish.  Norwegian and Danish really are extremely close, but since Copenhagen is a much more "central" city in Europe than Oslo and Stockholm, Danish might be slightly more useful than Norwegian.

What is Danish like?  Kind of German/Norsk, or what?  

Danish, Norwegian and Swedish are essentially just dialects of each other - although Danish and Norwegian are pretty much identical, and Swedish is a LITTLE different.  If you speak one, you can pretty much understand the others.

All three ARE Germanic languages, but are so far removed from German that it's not like speaking German really allows you to understand them, or vice-versa.  

(As an aside - Finnish is a completely different language, and shares no root with the Danish/Norwegian/Swedish languages, and is insanely difficult to learn).
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 9:57:11 PM EDT
Don't bother with Western languages unless you really want to.  

I've been studying Mandarin for the last few years, and did a study abroad there this last summer.  It's way interesting and a lot of fun.  Very tough starting out though.

Or you could learn Future Speak.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:01:34 PM EDT

I'm learning German at the moment, it's kinda fun. The swiss speak german, as do they Austrians (or so my german textbook tells me).

I taked two years of deutsch, and still can't spell it right.  I'm better with the verbal.

I did notice (10 years after the classes) that 50% of the english a 5yearold would know is very similar to german/german based. Examples:

hound, hund
red, rot
green, grun
eat, essen
cow, cuh
kiss, kuss
never, nimmer
shit,  <i don't know it, but it is close, same with fuck>
donner, thunder <with some german words, if you replace the D with a T, it is eerily similar.  there is more to it than that of course.>
foot, fuss
high, hoch
more, mehr

Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:05:29 PM EDT


(As an aside - Finnish is a completely different language, and shares no root with the Danish/Norwegian/Swedish languages, and is insanely difficult to learn).

finnish is poly... doh...  i was reading these neat series of ligustic articles.

here, off the deep end en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_language
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:07:10 PM EDT
Learn Spanish, it's the one you will be able to use the most and the one you will come in contact frequently with,

I learned German, and I forgot it because I never had an opportunity to use it.  Spanish would have been helpful if I knew it.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:10:54 PM EDT
Learn Spanish....after all, It is becomeing the national language of the United States!
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:15:12 PM EDT


I'm learning German at the moment, it's kinda fun. The swiss speak german, as do they Austrians (or so my german textbook tells me).

I taked two years of deutsch, and still can't spell it right.  I'm better with the verbal.

I did notice (10 years after the classes) that 50% of the english a 5yearold would know is very similar to german/german based. Examples:

hound, hund
red, rot
green, grun
eat, essen
cow, cuh
kiss, kuss
never, nimmer
shit,  <i don't know it, but it is close, same with fuck>
donner, thunder <with some german words, if you replace the D with a T, it is eerily similar.  there is more to it than that of course.>
foot, fuss
high, hoch
more, mehr

That's because ENGLISH is a bastard language, patched together from the languages of various conquerours (and settlers).

You'd find even more similarities if you looked at the correlation between Danish and English words, because of the influence of Viking invaders and settlers from around 1000 AD.  A lot of the basic structure and vocabulary of English comes from odl Nordic (a germanic language), and a lot of the more sophisticated grammar and vocabulary comes from later invasions (like the Normans) and from adaoption of French influences much later.

(Considering that the Normans who conquered England later were essentially just Vikings who had settled in Normany, much of early English history is just one Viking invasion after another)
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:18:52 PM EDT

e) it is a pretty language, unlike the germanic languages.

English is a Germanic language.  You're not that self-loathing to think that your own language is not pretty? Of course, I'm ASSuming that English is your first language
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:20:32 PM EDT

That's because ENGLISH is a bastard language, patched together from the languages of various conquerours (and settlers).

You say it like its a bad thing.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 10:23:07 PM EDT


e) it is a pretty language, unlike the germanic languages.

English is a Germanic language.  You're not that self-loathing to think that your own language is not pretty? Of course, I'm ASSuming that English is your first language

I can't tell if it is pretty*, but I'm assuming that is consant heavy, like german, not vowel heavy like latin types, so that would make it not pretty.  

* I can't hear it without not understanding it.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:04:52 PM EDT

I can't tell if it is pretty*, but I'm assuming that is consant heavy, like german, not vowel heavy like latin types, so that would make it not pretty.  

* I can't hear it without not understanding it.

Fair enough.  However, I'm sure there are some pretty hot German chicks that can speak the language softly enough to make it sound pretty.  And by hot, I mean not on the East German swim team.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:14:16 PM EDT

You can never know too much Nihongo.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:16:47 PM EDT
espanol pendejo.
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:17:42 PM EDT
If you guys had to rank languages, what do you think would be in the top three hardest?
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:20:59 PM EDT
Putonghua or Arabic
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:25:16 PM EDT
I twasn;t on your list but I am learning Chinese for the last 2months.

1.3 billion speak it.  They will soon be a super power and it will be quite useful
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 11:26:56 PM EDT
Learn that clicking one they do in parts of Africa. I bet the chicks would get all hot if you started clicking at them
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 2:56:04 AM EDT
I've been giving a great deal of thought to studying Japanese, Italian, and French.

Japanese because I love the culture.  Italian because I love the culture.  French because I love the way it sounds.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 3:49:27 AM EDT


e) it is a pretty language, unlike the germanic languages.

English is a Germanic language.  You're not that self-loathing to think that your own language is not pretty? Of course, I'm ASSuming that English is your first language

I hear this misconception a lot.  I think most of the English speakers that think German is an ugly language have never heard much spoken German.  I think often their only exposure to the German language was when some stereotypical Nazi character on a movie was screaming it with rage, barking orders and the like.

Listen to German, and then listen to a language like Arabic, and then tell me how strange and harsh German sounds to the ear of an Indo-European language speaker.

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 3:58:52 AM EDT

Learn Spanish....after all, It is becomeing the national language of the United States!

And you know how to have fun with that, right?

"Marke ocho"



[twang]Oller. Como estados.

Its a hoot. They  offer Spanish services. I get to try my Spanglish.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:08:11 AM EDT

Or maybe I could just learn Canadian........

Say good morning to your teachers, eh.

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:24:00 AM EDT
A side note here:  There is a Japanese astronaut at the Johnson Space Center who somehow married a girl from Germany.  They had a child and he would speak to the kid in Japanese and she in German and both in English.  The kid is about 4 years old now and speaks all three languages like a native.  That's the way to learn languages.  
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:26:40 AM EDT
swahili, the uses are phenomenal
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:27:01 AM EDT
I've always wanted to learn Greek.  All the old philosophers spoke and wrote in greek and in the 1800's here in the US most of the well educated could read in both Latin and Greek.  I know from my limited Llatin [had to learn it in school as a child] that there is a lot lost in translation to English.  However I never have time to read enough in English, none the less Greek.

Link Posted: 10/11/2005 4:54:31 AM EDT

If you want to be practical about it.... CANTONESE or  MANDARIN.

Cantonese is the illegitimate language of China...

Learn Mandarin instead. However, most Chinese from the mainland will tend to speak Cantonese if they're from the Hong Kong area. Otherwise, the Chinese speak very fluent Mandarin (so fluent that it makes the Taiwanese cringe at how well they pronounce every word). If you learn Mandarin, i doubt you will have a problem conversing with the natives in China (for business or otherwise). In Taiwan though, the leadership are Taiwanese so you best learn that language as well as Mandarin. Plus there is also different sub-dialects of mandarin, like hill-billy Mandarin and regular Mandarin.

I.e. there's two main ways of saying "police" in Mandarin. One which is the proper way, and the other is slang like "Po-Po" or "5 OH" or "Fuzz".
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 5:06:35 AM EDT
Ja! De lernt das deutchshe sprechen!
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 5:12:31 AM EDT


If you want to be practical about it.... CANTONESE or  MANDARIN.

Cantonese is the illegitimate language of China...

Learn Mandarin instead. However, most Chinese from the mainland will tend to speak Cantonese if they're from the Hong Kong area. Otherwise, the Chinese speak very fluent Mandarin (so fluent that it makes the Taiwanese cringe at how well they pronounce every word). If you learn Mandarin, i doubt you will have a problem conversing with the natives in China (for business or otherwise). In Taiwan though, the leadership are Taiwanese so you best learn that language as well as Mandarin. Plus there is also different sub-dialects of mandarin, like hill-billy Mandarin and regular Mandarin.

I.e. there's two main ways of saying "police" in Mandarin. One which is the proper way, and the other is slang like "Po-Po" or "5 OH" or "Fuzz".

in Asia, learn "MANDARIN" learning the other dialects would be a colossal waste of your time.

in US, learn "SPANISH" You should already know why.

in Europe, learn "ENGLISH" If they do not know it by now screw'm.
Link Posted: 10/11/2005 5:12:52 AM EDT
Learn the language that has the most impact in today's world for commerce

I vote
1. Spanish
2. Japanese
3. Chinese - one form or the other, I would do the dialect that Hong Kong/Thailand uses
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