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Posted: 12/20/2016 8:14:35 PM EDT
And would people even be talking about "Fake News" if Hillary had won?
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:20:03 PM EDT
It's the attempt of the leftists to silence opposing viewpoints since people who don't pay attention beyond headlines see "fake news" and think "well that's obviously a bad thing."
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:21:13 PM EDT
Inaccurate or even purely fabricated news articles.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:22:32 PM EDT
same place "Alt-Right" popped up from
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:24:06 PM EDT
Getting in front of pizzagate
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:26:46 PM EDT
The left attempting to control the narrative.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:31:40 PM EDT
Its the 2016 hipster term for disinformation and propaganda.  Neither of which are anything new.  
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:34:15 PM EDT
There was a fake news article about it.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:35:04 PM EDT
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same place "Alt-Right" popped up from
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This. The left throws terms out there to take hold and work against the right. It becomes the new talking point for the media. Think "politically correct" or "hate speech".
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:36:18 PM EDT
DNC.   Where all the MSM gets it's talking points from.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:37:02 PM EDT
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It's the attempt of the leftists to silence opposing viewpoints since people who don't pay attention beyond headlines see "fake news" and think "well that's obviously a bad thing."
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Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:38:46 PM EDT
LIberals project - they have been writing the news narrative to suit themselves and have even been caught fabricating stories. Now they are known to be guilty of it and are blaming the far right for doing it.

When they point fingers they have all the others pointing back, and they've been like this since before the Clintons. Because of that a huge number of Americans are disconnecting from the MSM and newspapers to find alternative news sources. The liberals claim it's fake news sources like Drudge who are "misinforming" Americans, check the links - right back to MSM media sources in many cases.

Right now the emphasis is to discredit Pizzagate and they are working hard to cover up. Like the "Russian Hackers" if they keep bleating about the hack and not the contents they minimize the focus onto what they want to control.

The Project Veritas films exposed not only the DNC contractors bringing violence to the Republican rallies, they also got BLM to stir up the inner cities which has led directly to the deaths of cops. Now, are we going to ignore that and just let it go? I don't think so. What remains to be seen will likely come out after Jan. 20. Then the left will have to deal with those fake arrests and fake prosecutions.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:39:07 PM EDT
I believe it started with the NYT saying all Pizzagate was fake.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:39:41 PM EDT
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The left attempting to control the narrative.
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Bingo.  You can only trust us, the hardworking journalist who have vetted every story to deliver you the truth.  Reading the leaked e-mails is illegal, let us digest and vet it for you to deliver the truth.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:40:59 PM EDT
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Bingo.  You can only trust us, the hardworking journalist who have vetted every story to deliver you the truth.  Reading the leaked e-mails is illegal, let us digest and vet it for you to deliver the truth.
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Oh, and look at these Bush ANG memos . . .
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:44:59 PM EDT
Fake news == propaganda, and exists on both sides of the political spectrum.  All sorts of fake news articles from the right regarding Obama's birth certificate, for instance.  Many fake news articles from the left about Katrina response.  FEMA camps. Jade Helm. Chemtrails.  

People who can't see that are blinded by their own biases.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:47:27 PM EDT
More like when you get caught doing bad stuff, you got to find a way to plant the seed of doubt.  
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:48:56 PM EDT
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Getting in front of pizzagate
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I'm going with this.
Pre-challenges any leaked emails.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:50:14 PM EDT
Yep, pizzagate.  What's the best way to refute a story you don't like and you control the narrative?  Call it fake and run with it so no one knows what's fake and what is not.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:51:35 PM EDT
The libs are pissed they no longer control the narrative.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:52:04 PM EDT
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Inaccurate or even purely fabricated news articles.
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No it is anything that goes against the liberal agenda. This is "real news" despite being total bullshit. I must admit though, after they were caught they sort of corrected it.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:52:04 PM EDT
CTRL-Left Censorship.

What could anyone expect from closet pinkos?
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:52:07 PM EDT
They (progressive MSM and .gov) seek to regulate/ban stuff like Breitbart etc.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:53:34 PM EDT
 The LEFTIST Propaganda machine had an epic, PUBLIC,  widely  acknowledged  FAILURE.
 As with poorly raised  children, in the cereal aisle at the grocery store,  a  screaming, hysterical tantrum ensues.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:54:31 PM EDT
Remember: only THEY are qualified to bring you news!
Any other source is to be questioned.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:56:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 8:56:38 PM EDT
And would people even be talking about "Fake News" if Hillary had won?
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Probably, because it still would have been closer than they liked - and then they'd get to really go to town after she won.

It's just an excuse for censorship.  They've been carrying on about it under different names for a couple of years over in the EU, and Google/Facebook have been busy brown-nosing and currying favor with various governments by complying.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:01:51 PM EDT
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The libs are pissed they no longer control the narrative.
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Uh, they still do.  MSM constantly throwing out "stories" of kids afraid to go to school since elections, people stop dating because "there is no future", hate crimes against minorities that later turn out to be faked by the victims (never hear the retracted story a few days later).  They still do, overwhelmingly so.

Trump years to come will be filled with stuff along the lines of congress tries to pass a spending bill which includes inner city school funding, the Dems will tack on a clause on page 3127 that says 29% of that funding needs to be allocated to transgender and diversity classes in federally funded schools. Republicans vote it down. Headline: "Trump/Republicans cut funding to inner city schools. They hate  black kids!" That's how it works.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:04:57 PM EDT
Pizzagate probably started hitting too close to home, so they're trying to get in front of it.

I don't think Pizzagate is necessarily accurate, but I'd bet good money there is some fucked up pedo stuff going on with these elite cultists. Epstein's island and acceptance of him by the elite after his prison term would be a good place to start.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:10:19 PM EDT
And would people even be talking about "Fake News" if Hillary had won?
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It's democrap make believe shit for losing an election.

Only idiots believe it because democraps all lie.

Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:15:46 PM EDT
1898. USS Maine.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:17:14 PM EDT
trying to excuse why the hildabeast lost
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:22:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:22:58 PM EDT
Well, this one time, 50 years ago, some reporter with an agenda said guns kill people....
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:24:28 PM EDT
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same place "Alt-Right" popped up from
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Which is where the "war on women" came from. I remember when that stupid birth control question was asked of Romney at the debate and I thought WTF is that about? Within the next week it was all the media would talk about.

Fucking marching orders.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:25:31 PM EDT
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Inaccurate or even purely fabricated news articles.
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This is the answer. Everyone wants people to click on their site to get hits and make money.  Lots of fake stuff to draw them in.

The internet is like a giant National Enquirer
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:28:21 PM EDT
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This is the answer. Everyone wants people to click on their site to get hits and make money.  Lots of fake stuff to draw them in.

The internet is like a giant National Enquirer
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Inaccurate or even purely fabricated news articles.

This is the answer. Everyone wants people to click on their site to get hits and make money.  Lots of fake stuff to draw them in.

The internet is like a giant National Enquirer

That's not what they're aiming to censor, though, that's just the excuse.   Pure bait and switch; look at who the social media companies are hiring to consult on censoring content and that tells you all you need to know.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:31:48 PM EDT
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It's the attempt of the leftists to silence opposing viewpoints since people who don't pay attention beyond headlines see "fake news" and think "well that's obviously a bad thing."
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And I believe it's particularly relevant to #PizzaGate.  It's just something else to distract from what the criminals don't want you to see.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:33:46 PM EDT
Who cares? Read it all and make your own decisions.

It is really that simple.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:36:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:36:43 PM EDT
The media ended up way waaay out of cover in their attempts to install Hillary, and now that they've lost the battle they're scrambling back to their own trenchlines, specifically by trying to reestablish themselves as the arbiters of "real" news.

Doesn't seem to be working very well, though

I did notice that the coverage of the "faithless electors!" stupidity was far more restrained than the full-on shitfest that was the election.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:40:06 PM EDT
Didn't all this fake News shit start on Facebook originally?
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:40:52 PM EDT
The Dems were DESTROYED this election cycle in the social media war and cyber news space. Utterly destroyed. Pepe, shit posting, memes, etc...were masterfully executed by the winning side and the Dems looked like Romney did against Obama....incapable of understanding what was happening.

They're now scrambling to gain some type of foothold to regain their balance and mobilize their base.....fake news, Alt right,....what have you.  What they don't seem to realize is that our side is in front of them at every turn and is psychologically destroying them, day by day.

The SJWs are next....were using the same Alinsky tactics that the Dems used but with better effect. Pajama boy is about to get ass fucked.  Triggly Puff is going to be called, out loud and in public, what she is....a fat, slob idiot.  BLM is going to have a DOJ that going to send their terrorist asses to prison. And you know what? Blacks won't give a shit. Why? Because they'll be working and making money instead of sucking off the Democrat plantation teat.  

The party is just getting started.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:41:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:43:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:49:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:49:52 PM EDT
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CTRL-Left Censorship.

What could anyone expect from closet pinkos?
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Their problem is that they can't actually censor it, because they don't have a way to limit opposing views and information they don't want shown to the public, on the internet.

So they just declare it "Fake News", in an attempt to get the public to ignore it.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:52:46 PM EDT
Make counteraccusations...accuse those who would accuse you of the very things you are doing before they can accuse you...
Then push the lie hard until it breaks through and becomes the new truth.

Its all about their disinformation campaigns to advance their narrative.

The main stream press is in collusion with them
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:54:26 PM EDT
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"real fake news sites" lol well you now what I mean. Some of them make a LOT of money
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Sure, but the left is expanding the "fake news" label to include anything they disagree with.  The MSM is using the "real fake news sites" as examples to show that they aren't just making up their claims about "fake news", and giving an appearance of legitimacy to how they chose to use the term.
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:55:07 PM EDT
Bullshit clickbait "news" sites have been around for years now, and people eating that shit up is nothing new.  It went both ways in the election, but the sore loser brigade are just trying to act like it only worked against them.  There were fake ass "articles" out there about both candidates.  I seriously doubt any of it swayed many voters, because none of the sites publishing that crap ever seem credible.  And I really doubt Russia was behind any of it... those sites are just clickbait to get ad impressions.. nothing more, nothing less.

People on this site eat the shit up quite often.  Next time you see someone post an article about some British SAS sniper killing and ISIS executioner from 1500m away right as he is about to cut some kids head off... you are most likely reading ad impression generating fake news.  Especially when the story is only mentioned on one obscure news site citing "unnamed sources." lol
Link Posted: 12/20/2016 9:58:05 PM EDT
They are not talking about real fake news, just the news they do not want to be
shown to the people.
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