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Posted: 5/12/2003 2:10:38 PM EDT
whip your a$$ or give you time out? I had a few finger dislocating whoopings, myself. just curious.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:18:01 PM EDT
I got whooped when the offense was egregious enough.

So do my grandkids when making them kneel in the corner doesn't provide enough corrective action.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:18:41 PM EDT
Usually they whipped my ass. If not, I got hit with whatever was in reach.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:18:42 PM EDT
I remember my mother taking a belt to me ONCE. All she had to do later was THREATEN to do so and I got in line ASAP.

My dad smacked us around with his hands. Eventually, all he needed was a look.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:22:56 PM EDT
I did something bad?  Ass..meet hairbrush.  That came about when my mother spanked me till her hand stung, and after she was done I stuck my tongue out at her and declared that it didn't hurt at all.  The she got out her big wooden hairbrush and let me have it.  I didn't say that again.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:33:36 PM EDT
The belt or the wooden spoon were the weapons of choice, although hand-to-hand was sometimes utilized....except it was hand-to-side of head.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:36:17 PM EDT

Belts, spoons, hot wheel track sections, you name it, I got hit with it.

Until I got bigger than them.

Then I just laughed.

Until I got punched.

Then all it took was a look.

I guess I might have been a shit at times.

But I think the real problem was my parents were young and not ready for kids.

I was the first of five.

I was a learning experience for my parents.

And times were different then.


Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:36:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:38:54 PM EDT
Ya'll remember the flexible rubber/plastic tracks for the Hot Wheels cars?

Mom had 3 of them Duct taped together [spank]

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:39:53 PM EDT
hot wheel track sections,
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All these years I thought I was the only one [:D]

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:40:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:40:18 PM EDT
Ya'll remember the flexible rubber/plastic tracks for the Hot Wheels cars?

Mom had 3 of them Duct taped together [spank]

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See my post above.


Mi hermano!

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:43:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:48:03 PM EDT
I usually got a time out AFTER my dad kicked me in the ass a half-dozen times with his steel-toed work boots. He'd make me sit in the chair for hours afterwards to so I could decide whether or not what I had done was worth it.

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:53:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:56:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:56:44 PM EDT
My parents used a belt, my grandparents a switch from the tree in the front yard.

Neither one of those hurt as bad as the big damn wooden paddle they had at school. If you were unlucky enough to get more then one lick, it took over an hour before you could sit down.

awwwww. The good old days of real crime and punishment.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 2:59:21 PM EDT
Dad just would look at us disapointed and that was all it took.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:00:55 PM EDT
I laugh when nervous.
Used to laugh when the wooden spoon would break.
The laughter ended when my Mom found out a new use for the vacume cleaner extension tube.
My old man would use fists when he thought  I thought things were funny.
I love both of them dearly for setting me on the right path.
Time out,that term wasn't around when I was getting "plumbed up.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:03:53 PM EDT

hot wheel track sections, you name it,  
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O-MAN!....Im glad Im not the only one to get spanked with that!....Orange death with a yellow stripe..That brings back all the bad memories...

Do you think we have enough of us here for a class action law suite against Hot Wheels? [:D]
ETH?....what do you say? [BD]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:06:18 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Gun Guru:
whip your a$$ or give you time out? I had a few finger dislocating whoopings, myself. just curious.
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I got the whippings but my Father later said he wouldn't if he had it to do over again.
I will not strike a child.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:07:08 PM EDT
Punishment usually fit the crime.

Some beatings, some groundings and often found myself outside on the steps at 3:00 in the morning.

Can't recall ever having a "timeout"
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:12:45 PM EDT
Oh yeah....

Got the wood spoon on the bare ass treatment from my mom when I was a little fella.(youch!!)

Took off runnin buck naked from the waste down a couplea times......not a good idea.....moms can run too[:D].

When I was bigger my dad had this sorta paddle thing with the custom made grip.Only tasted that thing a couplea times.

My dad was a teacher and had this policy about getting a whipping at school meant I got one when I got home,kept me from ever taking it too far in school.[;)]

I remember the last time I got whipped was by my dad.....I think I was in 5th or 6th grade.He used his hand and I could barely contain myself from laughing.Afterwards I put on a good acting performance.

Poor guy,just don't think he had it in him that day. [:)]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:14:56 PM EDT
Dad just would look at us disapointed and that was all it took.
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A good dad.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:18:11 PM EDT
Dad was murder with his slip on slippers...

that or a fork to the elbow on the kitchen table....when I rested my elbows on the table!!

I swear I still have marks.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:20:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:21:02 PM EDT
I received a few hand spankings, then a few belt spankings, and soon figured out my limits.
My son likewise received a few hand spankings, I didn't ever have to resort to a belt, and he too soon figured out his limits.
My one real regret is that I was a young single dad in a time when men did not normally raise kids. I had two examles for fatherhood, my dad, who was the town drunk and not much of an example except for being a great bad example, and Ward Cleaver (Leave it to Beaver.).
I shot for the middle but now realize that I could have lightened up. I now tell my son that he has me, and whatever the present day Ward Cleaver is for examples. He shots for that middle, and is a great dad.
Oh, and his son has received a few spankings, but he hasn't quite gotten things figured out, but he's close. It's an interesting race to watch.
Like me, my son really doesn't get off on being the heavy, and he is trying real hard to keep from administering that final "limit set".
Me, I'm pretty happy with both of them.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:24:33 PM EDT
The only "time-out" I ever got was when my dad's hand got sore and needed a break from the beating.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:25:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:26:22 PM EDT
Usually, just a stern glare was enough to get us in line. Might've been the fact that dad was a fifth-degree black belt in judo. [:)] (Today's kids don't have a clue about what punishment is--which is probably why so many of them have no respect for authority. But maybe that's just me.)
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:38:13 PM EDT
Yah, my butt got warmed a few times a week while growing up, for a wile it seemed that I was getting one every day. But that OK I wore extra underware ;). My dad also found out and could not stop laughing for about and hour that time he's the one that came out crying, and the first time I didn't.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:41:50 PM EDT
 Once in a while I got my tail tore up(by a "nice" leather belt.When my parents split up my butt got sent to a Catholic military school when I was 7 yrs old(1965). Got out when I graduared 8th grade(just turned 15).
 The military program was run by a retired career Marine.Rumor had it that he had been a DI at Parris Island.I first met him in '67.Talk about being punished for dumb stuff that a kid would do! I wonder if he was ever a KID!LOL

 The scholastic part was run by nuns who would crack you across the fingers(or head)with a steel edge ruler if you got out of line!

 They(the nuns)could've made DIRTY HARRY cringe!
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:46:18 PM EDT
Yeah, my father beat my ass on a regular basis. Sometimes I had it coming, most other times he should have been on the receiving end. Time outs? Nope. Although time outs on your knees on a tile floor sounds like a useful tactic...
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:46:36 PM EDT
About everything except guns, knives, and batons! [:D]

'Til one day when I was 15... What's that saying on dvd trackers pins??  
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:48:46 PM EDT
We got time outs. They allowed you to cry and heal after the beaten of your life.

Thank God for my parents.

Link Posted: 5/12/2003 3:55:32 PM EDT
I got my ass whipped all the time.
Then, when my brother came around, my dad changed strategies for some reason, and never whipped him.
And today, my brother is an arrogant, ungrateful little shit.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:04:24 PM EDT
my dad had matching tony lama belts for his boots that eerily reminds me of a serpentine belt on a 90 model chevy pickup.

watching him take that beast off..and walk toward me took every ounce of courage..to stand and meet my maker..

my mom hit us with whatever she could grab..

of course, we only got ass whoopins when we needed it. i cant think of a single instance where it really wasnt  called for.

when my moms jaw tightened and grimaced..you'd better look out..

and when dads eye brow came down in the center..the shit was about to hit the fan..

BTW..the funniest..thing..happened once.

my brother sent one of the rotts from the kennel to attack my dad one day when he was coming to give him a ass whoopin..

it was a young rotty..but he did buck up..and stand up against tyrrany..

that dog was sold the next day...
my brother..well..he needed a ass transplant.

that was a bad day at the muddydog house.

i got a whoopin for laughing..
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:25:50 PM EDT
Mostly belts and switches....and hot wheel tracks!  Got paddled by high school football coach once only once .. he lifted me off ground with one lick ..that was my last butt-whoopin ever!! been an angel ever since and I'm over 40!!   But nobody usually tries to whip on me now being 6'4" and 275..hehe
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:34:14 PM EDT
Spankings didn't work. But Dads back-hand got my attention. I guess Mom felt sorry because I was always recieving beatings from my older siblings or bullies in the neighborhood. By the time I was 14 Dad could tell I was battle hardened and the back-hands ended.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:47:23 PM EDT
Ass whoopin's. One time my brother broke one of the 'ol mans tools, pa found out, asked him about it, he lied. We BOTH got it at the same time with a 4 foot 1x2. [ROFL2]
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:48:07 PM EDT
Ok time for the rant (fake)

No wonder you'se all are gun nuts, getting abused by yer parents like that. Any sexual abuse? Wonder you didn't turn out a drug dealer or a murderer with all those beatin's. You should see a proffessional about this, he might give you some anti-deressants and you could talk it over with him. Maybe join a group and talk about your experiences. Yeah, you sure did turn out the wrong way. That's why beatings should be outlawed.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:52:32 PM EDT
There was none of this time out shit when I was a kid.Every belt whuppin' I got I was honestly earned by yours truly.

For the people that don't believe in spanking your kids....

Are kids better behaved now,when spanking is frowned upon or were kids better behaved 30 yrs ago when spanking was the norm???

I spank my son about every 2 months.It kills me to do it,but I have to.

Mama would often use a fly swatter.Against bare legs that stings like hell.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 5:01:28 PM EDT
I got both, I'd get spanked and then I'd have to sit there to think about why I got spanked.

What was worse is it would double if I got in trouble at school- I'd get spanked at school, then get another spanking and time out at home for getting in trouble at school.
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Ditto except for no time outs. Didn't know WTF that was till years later. Hated going to get my own hickory. That was the worst. If you didn't bring back a good one, you really got it!
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 5:18:40 PM EDT
time out, sure i got time outs............time out to quit crying and contemplate why my ass hurt so bad

my dad took no shit, and he had one of those damn leather belts with the woven in FN sheetmetal!!!!!!!!!!  im sure some of you know what im talking about.  when my parents got divorced i of course went with my mother, whom then turned me into a little shit of shits...........always in trouble at school, etc.  then my dad got me back and had my ass whipped back into shape in under a year.

when i got older i already respected my dad so he went half-ass psychological on me.  i remember one time i had to turn in something he had signed, forgot, but told him i did.  no big deal at school, but he found it.  gave me a speech i remember to this day.........."if you'll lie about something small how can i ever trust you again?"  didnt talk to me for a week.  stuck with me, you wont catch me lying about shit to this day.

i did get the business end one day though, in high school, went to a party and came home drunk........that man knocked me across the yard...holy hell

tell you what though, i dont think, i KNOW that im a better person today because of that discipline and i cant imagine how anybody could think they can reason with a child on your level
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:13:59 AM EDT
Ok time for the rant (fake)

No wonder you'se all are gun nuts, getting abused by yer parents like that. Any sexual abuse? Wonder you didn't turn out a drug dealer or a murderer with all those beatin's. You should see a proffessional about this, he might give you some anti-deressants and you could talk it over with him. Maybe join a group and talk about your experiences. Yeah, you sure did turn out the wrong way. That's why beatings should be outlawed.
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I am totally with you. I jus thad to add my sarcastic fake liberal bs propaganda.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:29:46 AM EDT
one of my father's hobby's was wood working......needless to say..one of his projects was a paddle.  it hung w/ the keys on the rack by the front door.  i got worked over w/ it many times..but usually...he or mom just had to point at it.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 2:37:17 AM EDT
There was none of this time out shit when I was a kid.Every belt whuppin' I got  was honestly earned by yours truly.

For the people that don't believe in spanking your kids....

Are kids better behaved now,when spanking is frowned upon or were kids better behaved 30 yrs ago when spanking was the norm???

I spank my son about every 2 months.It kills me to do it,but I have to.

Mama would often use a fly swatter.Against bare legs that stings like hell.
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Link Posted: 5/13/2003 3:15:19 AM EDT
My dad used to be really into woodworking, and he had these little varnished hardwood boards that are used for pushing small pieces of wood through the table-saw. They were about a foot long and about one and a half inches wide. Maybe 3/8 inch think or so. I got hit with those.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 3:29:02 AM EDT
Mom's version of "time-out" was to make us kids kneel in front of the refridgerator until dad got home.  Then depending on the crime, dad would either chew or whip our ass.    
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 3:32:46 AM EDT
My brothers and sisters and I called our father, El Zorro.  He would whip his belt off and leave Z's all accross our backs.
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 12:11:47 AM EDT
I never did bad things so therefore wasn't an abused child.
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